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The inn stood atop the hill. It seemed to radiate a friendly light; a resort for all travellers.

Signboards planted at every short distance identified it as,


"We are in luck, Hazy Smith! Finally, a place to get a well deserved good night's sleep." Ced said, as they walked uphill.

Hazel nodded, apprehensive. "Do you think this place is safe ? After what the mirror seller turned out to be ?" Hazel asked .

" By the Four, you are such a scaredy cat !"

"Well, we aren't in a position to take any chances !" she protested.

"It's Jack ! Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk!"

" Yeah. Alright. Besides, Cindy needs rest." Hazel agreed.

"Trust me, everything will be fine."


The inn was bustling with joy and festivity. The musicians sang a gleeful rhyme,

"This is the house that Jack built.
This is the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built."

"Welcome, my dear folks!" A drunkard greeted them. Hazel smiled at him, nervously.

" What happened to the poor girl ?" A woman asked, gesturing at Cindy.

" Oh, she is umm...tired from traveling." Hazel said.

" You must have travelled a hell lot !"

They heard a gruff  voice, " Move aside. Let me through." A plump woman stood in front of them, armed with a wooden ladle. Her short hair stuck to her greasy face , grumpily.

"I am Jill. The porter will escort you to your room. Dinner at 8."

" We would like two rooms, please." said Hazel.

" Jolly good. Do you have the money to pay for it ?" she laughed, without humour.

" Money ? But they did not have a single penny on them..." Hazel thought. Before she could utter a word, Ced spoke up,

"Certainly." He fished out a few gold coins from his pocket. Hazel gaped at him. Everyone was staring at them.

" Well, that makes little difference either away. Only one room left." she sighed , " But on the brighter side, with that kind of money, you get the best food and drink available at Jack and Jill's."

" Could you excuse us for a minute , please ?" Hazel asked.

" Sure." Jill grunted.

Hazel pulled Ced into a corner. "Do you want us to get robbed?" she asked him.

"What?" Ced blinked in confusion.

"You don't just reveal that you have that much money on you, in front of so many people." Hazel said, "Did you not see how everyone was looking at us?"

"You need not worry. I will be on the look out for any form of danger."

Hazel sighed. "We have already attracted too much attention, Cedron. I don't think we can stay here, anymore. Besides, you do realise that Jill is overcharging us, right?"

" I do not care. We both agree that Cindy is in no state to walk into the wild, in search of another place and to be candid, neither are we. We are bound to attract attention anywhere we go, Hazel. Neither of us are common folk and there is no hiding that."

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