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Hazel woke up to see a pair of eyes,  looking back at her with curiosity. The blue hue of those irises made her think of sunlight gleaming through frosted window panes, in a morning after snowfall.

"Where – am – I ?" she said so softly , that it was almost a whisper.

" At the moment, on my couch."

Hazel's gaze shifted upward and she saw a lady wearing bright scarlet robes, sitting by her side.

" I was about to go for a stroll in the woods when I found you lying near my front porch." the lady scowled, "Do you see that basket of snacks on my table? I prepared that for my stroll. What a fine evening, only to be wasted!"

Hazel was too drowsy to pay attention to the lady.

" Who are you, anyway ?" the woman asked.

" I am Hazel. I...."

"Well, Hazel, whoever – you – are, a bed is a better place to fall asleep."

Her outright rudeness shocked Hazel.

" Excuse me. I fell  unconscious. I did not plan to ruin your day. I am too busy trying to recall what happened and where exactly I am. If your evening walk was so important to you, you should not have brought me inside your house, in the first place. I am better off myself." She got up, shoving the blanket away from her body.

" Wait, girl."

" No, thanks. Bye."

" Okay, then. Do tell me how you plan to fight the wolves that come your way, though."

Hazel stopped. Where would she go ?  She did not even know where she was. And wolves ? That did not sound very pleasant.

"Look , I have been living in the woods, all my life and I know everything about it. I can help you."  For the first time, Hazel saw a softness in the lady's cornflower blue eyes. "Where do you want to go ?"

I don't know , thought Hazel. Gran didn't tell her anything about her destination.

" Okay, where are you from ?"

" I in the world of humans."

" A human ?" She looked at her with disbelief , " You are a human ? What did you say your name was, again ?"

"Hazel. Hazel Smith."

Hazel saw her eyes go wide with shock. " Luella that can't be." she said,  "Are you related to Luella Smith ?"

" You know her ? She's my gran." Hazel replied.

" Of course, I do. We were friends, young girl."

" Oh." Hazel felt a pang of relief , " Umm.. can you tell me where I am and is it by any chance, near Fantasy World ?"

" You are  in Fantasy World !" the lady shrugged," I can show you the way to the capital town. I have a feeling that you are expected there."


"Well then. Let's go." The lady flung her basket in one arm and pulled the hood of her robes over her dark brown hair.

" Thank god , you didn't land up in the Big Bad Wolf's lair !" she said.

" Wait , wasn't he killed in the story ?" Hazel asked.

" When one wolf dies, another takes its place. But you don't need to worry about that, as along as you are with me ." she said , in a matter-of-factly way as she tucked a sheathed dagger in her stockings. "Never go out unprepared and unarmed. The woods are a dangerous place."

Hazel imagined her strolling in the woods with her basket in one hand and fighting wolves with the other. She thought of the brilliant red of her hood and how enchanting and powerful it made her look. All of a sudden , the lady reminded her of someone.

" You are Red Riding Hood !"

" I prefer you call me Red, everyone does. But yes , I am." she replied , as she opened the door for Hazel.

" Oh my god !"Hazel whispered, trying to walk steadily , even though her head was whirling with excitement.

" What ?"

"I...I don't think I ever imagined that you would look like this. The story tells that you are a ..."

"Hazel , I am immortal . I can take any form I like. I could look like an eighty year old hag or a little girl, it's up to me !"

Hazel couldn't help being amazed at that idea.

" So, all of you here are immortal ?"

" Certainly not ! A selected lot are granted immortality for a purpose, a role that is to be fulfilled by them. Not as a gift handed off, freely !  People who have been granted it, can give it up too. They can die according to their will."

"So, the whole idea of immortality is amazing but ...complicated." Hazel wondered out loud.

" So it is."

"Where is the capital town , anyway ?" Hazel asked.

"Not far away." Red said.


" Here we are. This is Dukeville." Red stated.

Hazel stood near the city gates and ahead, lay the most majestic place she had ever seen. It was unlike the places she had seen in her life , in her world .   With small ,brightly coloured ,humble homes  arranged in an unbelievably haphazard manner , almost on top of one another ,  it had a typical fairy tale town feel to it . 

In the distance , she could see a castle atop a ridge , emergent above everything else , overlooking the capital city. It instantly reminded her of the Cinderella Castle at Disney land , which she had seen when she was six. It shone dusty rose in the light of the evening sun.

Evening ? How could that be ? Hazel had left at midnight. Did that mean that she had already spent a day in this world ? If that was true ...she shoved the thought aside , trying not to think of the horror  on her mother's face when she did not find Hazel in her bed.

" Come on , Hazel." Red said.

"Yes." said Hazel, following her.

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