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She looked at the horizon , the sun setting in the west

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She looked at the horizon , the sun setting in the west. The day was over.

Now , came the night she knew. Her dark old friend – the night.

The darkness was her only solace. A soothing presence unlike the harsh, blinding light.

"She will be here any moment." she thought , her eyes, a reflection of her impatience.

She gently put a hand on the window sill , only to be pricked by a tiny shard of broken glass that lay there, carelessly.

Blood followed. In tiny, glistening drops, it fell. 

She looked at it and half smiled. Pain was something she felt no more.

Her dark gaze shifted and she turned cautiously, as she sensed the  presence of a second being .

" It's you , Madame Rosalind !" she said and her body relaxed , as she recognised the grey haired , sharp jawed woman.

"She is here." said the woman.

"I am coming." she said with a nod .

She looked out of the window , one parting glance at the sky , the moon vaguely visible up high.

For some , it might be the end , but for her , the night was where it all began.

She turned , her cape flowing behind her like a veil of darkness , the drops of blood marking her trail, as she walked by.


The stars of the night lit Hazel's way as she walked ahead. A gust of wind blew and ruffled through her hair. She let out an irritated groan, as she put away a lock of it from her face.

She bumped against the soft velvet of a surface.

"Easy girl !" scowled Red.

" Sorry , dint see you there !" Hazel said absent-mindedly.

" Well , can't you see , girl ? Have you potatoes for eyes ? No , even potatoes have eyes !" Red said, rubbing her cloak protectively with the back of her hand.

Hazel sighed in frustration.

" Red , will you even bother to tell me where we are going ?"

"Patience , young lady; you are gonna need a lot of it in life ." Red said with a smirk , almost an evil one . " And speaking of bothering , kindly strain your eyes and look ahead. There lies our destination."

Hazel's gaze shifted upwards and she saw a magnificent, brawling castle ;  more like something between a manor and castle ; half hidden by the greenery of tall shrubs and the huge iron gates in front of it.

" What are you waiting for ? Weren't you the one in a hurry ? Come let's go !" Red said, as she grabbed Hazel by her arm and dragged her along.

As they approached the gates , Red removed her cloak to show herself  and started speaking hastily to one of the guards in hushed whispers.

Hazel could not hear a word of what she was saying. Perhaps, that's what Red  intended  but she caught the guard regarding her with a wide eyed , surprised glance .

Not used to such 'Unwanted Spotlight Moments' , Hazel immediately looked down and nervously put a lock of her hair behind her ear. From the corner of her eye, she saw the guard nod at Red and disappear behind the  gates.

As soon as he went away , Hazel heard Red swear angrily and  mutter something about 'lack of understanding and intelligence' and 'abundance of stupidity ' as she rolled her eyes. She turned to face Hazel.

" Hazel , this is the 'Chateau de descendants ' , the place where I leave you . You will find all the help and guidance you need here."

" But ...."

" Don't worry. Someone will be coming to escort you right away. You wont be kept waiting."

Hazel stared into those cold icy blue eyes. She tried to say something but she just could not find the right words, something that correctly expressed the gratitude she felt.

" Goodbye , granddaughter of my old friend." Red said with a surprisingly  warm smile.

Before Hazel could say anything in return, Red was almost gone already. In the distance, the silhouette of a lady was vaguely visible.

Hazel sighed and turned to face the chateau.

What kind of help was she supposed to find here ? Who lived here ? What was going to happen next ?

All these were questions were yet to be answered.

Hazel struggled to keep her eyes open , her knees ached and could barely support her. For the first time, she realised how exhausted she was. Suddenly , she heard the gates open. She straightened herself.

Hazel saw a young girl with a night lamp in her hand ; a girl with electric blue eyes that seemed to shine in the dark , like they had their own light and a smile even brighter than her eyes. Even though she was now wearing a plain white gown , Hazel recognised her.

It was the girl from the woods.

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