Chatpter 6

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💫Luna🌑 : Fuck school😂

I chuckled reading the text Luna sent me.

I was getting to know her by asking her a few simple question's, one being how she felt about school.

"What the hell you smiling for?"

I looked up to see Daryl walking over to the refrigerator wiping the smile right off my face. He bent down reaching into the fridge bringing out the milk. He twisted the top off and drunk straight from the jug.

I crinkled my nose up in disgust.

"Nothing." I mumbled making sure my annoyance of him was evident.

He placed the milk back into the fridge closing it.

"Well wipe that ugly ass smile off ya face." He spoke walking past me.

"Whatever Man." I mumbled again.

Next thing you know I was being grabbed by my shirt and pushed into the wall causing a sharp pain to go up my spine. The bruises I had were still fresh.

"Say something else smart Mothafucka... I dare you too" He spoke through gritting teeth, his face inches from mine.

I tried my best to remove his grip from my shirt but he was too strong.

"Let me go." I ordered.

He just stared at me with a smirk plastered across his face, he was amused by all of this.

"You didn't say nothin else smart tho did you?"

I knew if I would he'd send a fist to my face or body and I wasn't taking any chances.

"Let me go!!"

He let go of my shirt and turned around.

"Pussy... That's all you'll ever be" He said as he walked away.

I straightened out the many wrinkles he had left behind and headed upstairs.

I slammed my door and sat on my pallet as my mind got to racing.

I hated Daryl so much. Maybe because he always seemed to be right.

Pussy... That's all you'll ever be.

I was so angry that I hadn't realized the tears that were streaming down my face.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I sat my phone on the sink and opened my medicine cabinet.

I grabbed a razor and stared at it.

You really gone start doin this again, Laz?

I took the corner of the razor sitting it on my skin, a few inches away from my fading scars.

But it relieves the pain.

Each... Cut... The deeper, the better.

Just as I was about to slice into my skin, my phone started ringing.

I looked down at the caller I.D. and to my surprise it was Luna.

I glanced back at the razor seeming to come to my senses.

"Lazarus, what are you doing man?" I said to myself before putting the razor up and answering my phone.

"Hello..." I said in a rush tone my voice shaking a bit.

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