Chapter 2

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The bus was a little late today but it came. I breathed in and out slowly trying to adjust to the sticky air.

I'd be glad when it was finally winter time. Winter was my favorite. Fresh snow and hot cocoa.

It reminded me of when I was a kid. Me and my mom would watch movies and share laughs together.

I'd make the popcorn and she'd make two big mugs of hot cocoa. I always wanted extra marshmellows in mine.

She turn to me and say "Lj, You gone mess around and turn into a marshmallow one day boy." ruffling my hair.

I missed having a mom. Now all I had left of her was a shell of a mother and some broken memories.

After she got remarried everything changed.

He put her on drugs and then the drinking. That's all she cared about now.

I couldn't wait to escape but I still had school to finish so I stayed.

I stepped onto the bus swiping my card and heading to my usual seat in the back.

I looked up to see it was already filled.

The girl I had seen earlier sat balled up next to the window. My heart skipped a little.

"Uh..can I sit here?"

She nodded never looking away from the window. I scooted into the edge of the seat trying to not make to much contact with her. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

I looked around and remembered my book was in my bag so I pulled it out to distract myself.

She looked over and furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Whatchu readin?"

I hadn't expected a conversation but why not.

"'s the Glass Castle. It's by Jeanette Walls." I said quietly.

I didn't have a lot of luck with the ladies. People in general honestly. People put me in a panic. Except for Mariah. I was comfortable with her.

Otherwise I kept to myself usually diving into my art or my books. I could be whoever I wanted there.

Create anything and live outside of this fucked up reality. I could be free by myself. No judgement.

She scoffed "Oh. That's coo I guess."

She was judging me already. Probably thinking Oh this weird black guy with the funny lookin eyes is reading a book no ones ever heard of.. What a creep.

I continued in my book until we made it to my stop.

I got off and stood in front of my house and sighed.

"Alright Lj. Just make it through the night."

I reached the door and unlocked it quietly. Since the bus ran late I came home a little later then expected.

I knew I would catch hell if anybody was home.

I closed the door and listened for any sign of life. Nothing.

I let out a sigh of relief when a shoe hit me in the back of my head.

"Whea the fuck you been boy? I told yo ass to have my house clean by the time I get HOME!!"

Daryl was beating me with his work boot. I covered my face and tried to run into the kitchen.

"I know! I know! The bus was late!" I screamed in between the pelts.

The steel toe met my skin with force and once he hit me in the back I fell to the ground.

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK JONES! CLEAN MY DAMN HOUSE NOW!!" He spat kicking me in the stomach.

"Okay dad.." I coughed out as he walked upstairs. My mom stood in the doorway of the kitchen just watching.

A frown on her face she turned and followed him upstairs.

I managed to peel myself off the floor grabbing onto the counter. Once I was up the pain shot through the bruises on my neck and back.

Damn. Looks like I'll be covering up for a few days.

I stretched to ease the pain and started cleaning the house.

I grabbed the trashcan and went around picking up cans and bottles laying around. Then started on the dishes.

Once I finished all the rooms I went to take a shower. I took my shirt off glancing in the mirror.

"Fuck. That's a big one." I said to myself examining the bruise behind my neck.

Just then my phone went off. It was a text from Mariah. I sighed. I wasn't in a talking mood.

Mimi: Hey you got any plans this weekend?

I thought for a second and replied.

Zar😍😘💖: No. No plans why?

Mimi: Well I wanted to goto the movies and I don't have anybody to go with wanna come?

I froze.

Is she asking me out on a date? No...nah we're just good friends. She wouldn't wanna be with me. I don't think....

I replied
Zar😍😘💖: Yeah that sounds like fun. What time?

She replied almost instantly
Mimi: Tomorrow at 7. I'll come pick you up.

Zar😍😘💖: Ok see you then

I sat my phone down on the desk leaning back in my rolling chair. I've never went out with a girl before so this should be new.

I felt like such a lame. 18 years old and only kissed one girl in my whole life. And she talked shit about me to the whole class.

I don't trust women at all.

Why should I? My own mom doesn't even care.

I shook off the negative energy and pulled out my homework. There was a knock on the door making me jump.

"Yeah? Come on in."

My mom stood in the doorway staring at me. "Um. I need you to run to the store for me. You busy?"

"Nah. Just doin homework."

"Oh ok. Get me a pack of needles and a colt 45." she sat the money on my desk.

"Alright mom. Just give me a minute and I'll go."

Daryl walked past the door yelling. "Getcha ass up and go now. You heard ya momma."

She looked at me rubbing my hand and whispering. "Go ahead and finish. Then you go okay."

I nodded and she walked out.
She was still in there somewhere. My sweet mommy was just lost that's all.

Maybe we'd meet again one day.

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