(4) Notes

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Monday mornings have never been my strong suit. So, that's why I ended waking up late and having to rush to get done. Oh, and I start driving Josie to school today.
"C'mon, Jo!" I shout, running down the stairs in denim jean shorts and a pink Alien tee, with my black converse sneakers.
When I get downstairs, Josie is already standing by the door, bags in hand. Quickly, I grab my keys off the counter. "Let's go," I say, following Jo out the door and closing it behind me. Once we're both in the car, I try my best to get Jo to school on time. She attends South High Junior School, which is on the opposite side of South High. "Bye, Az," Jo says, as she gets out the car. "Bye, Jo. See you later," I say, before driving off to my own high school. I park in my spot and hurry inside. The bell rings just as I enter. This morning, I have French first period. Hurrying over to C block where the classroom is situated, I rush into the classroom. As I enter, the whole room silences and everyone's eyes are glued to me. A pair of eyes in particular catch my eyes. His infamous smirk sits on his face and it makes me wonder if he has any other facial expressions. "Sit down, Miss Jones," our French teacher Ms. Roux scolds. "Sorry, I'm late," I say and walk over to my seat next to Rose. Once I'm seated, she carries on with her lesson. Rose pats my arm. "I hate Monday's," I mutter under my breathe. "Sorry, Az," Rose whispers. Later in the lesson, Ms. Roux makes us write an essay on the importance of the language. I'm grateful French is one of my strong suites. I manage to finish the essay relatively fast. I stand up and walk over to Ms. Roux's desk and hand her my essay. "Thank you," she smiles. I smile back and walk over to my desk. After a few seconds of sitting down, a small ball of paper hits my head, and falls to the floor by my feet. I pick it up and read it:

Morning, Gorgeous! Running late today, are we?

Ignoring the 'gorgeous' part, I grab my pen and write back.

Shut up. Monday's are dreadful.

I then crumple the note back up again and throw it back.

Soon, the note comes flying back.

Tell me about it, princess. I feel like death.

I reply with:

Don't call me that. Oh, and you look like death, too.
And throw it back.
We continue like this.

Grayson: That's mean princess. You hurt my feelings

Me: I'm serious about the nickname, Lively. Call me that again and I'll castrate you.

Grayson: Aww. Princess is feisty.

Me: Shut up.

I throw it back for the last time. And when Grayson returns it Ms. Roux catches it in her hands.
"Well, what have we here?" She says and begins to open the note.
"Oh that's nothing, Miss. Azacia was just writing about how much she loves me," Grayson speaks up. I turn to glare at him, but before I can protest, Miss Roux says, "It doesn't look like a love letter to me. Just a boy annoying an innocent girl," she raises an eyebrow, and it's my turn to smirk at him. Grayson's eyes widen, before smirking again. "Well, can you blame a guy for trying?" He says, winking at me. "Yes," I smile at him. "You can,"
Ms. Roux claps her hands. "Enough of the commotion now. Everyone get back to work. Grayson and Azacia see me after class please," she says, taking the note with her and walking over to her desk.

When the bell rings, signaling the end of the period, everyone files out. "Good luck," Rose mouthes as she leaves. Grayson and I stay behind as requested. "Right," Ms. Roux begins. "First of all, Grayson, before you think about sending love letters, finish your work. Second, Azacia, if you're done with your work do not entertain others who aren't. This is your first warning, but if it happens again, you'll both be put into detention. You're dismissed now,"
"Yes, Miss," Grayson and I say in unison. When we walk outside again both of us burst out laughing. "Yeah, Azi, don't entertain me while I'm trying to work,"
"Wouldn't dream of it lover boy," I wink. "And plus, you started it," I point out.
"But you tempted me," he argues.
"How?" I asked, shocked.
"You caught my attention," he says.
"Really? And how exactly did I do that?"
"By wearing this," he says, and gestures to my whole body.
I blush a little. "You're unbelievable, you know that?" I shake my head.
"I know," he smirks. I shake my head again and walk away from him to my locker.
"We're so late for 2nd period," I say.
"Nerd," he calls, a smile on his face.
"You're just jealous I'm smarter than you," I pull tongue, grabbing my things and walking off to History. I don't know what Grayson has now, but I do know, I'm late to class. Again.


"Is it true?" Hannah asks at lunch.
"Is what true?" I ask, even though I already know what she's talking about.
"That you and Grayson were writing love letters to each other in class?"
"It wasn't a love letter," I say, throwing my hands up in frustration.
"Well, that's the rumor going around," she says. I groan. "Perks of being in high school," I say, sarcastically.
"What exactly happened then, Az?" Alex asks.
"Grayson sent me a note, being annoying as always. I replied. And so on..." I try and explain.
"What did he say?" Hannah asks, a creepy grin on her face.
"Morning Gorgeous. Running late today, are we?" I quote.
Hannah squeals and I kick her under the table.
"Ow! What was that for?" She asks, rubbing her leg.
"Sorry," I grin. "My leg spasmed,"
She scowls. I laugh.
"I'm still not sure what your relationship with Grayson is," Alex says.
"There is no relationship. We're nothing," I say, frowning at the question.
"It doesn't seem like it, Az," Rose says, truthfully.
"Well, I'm telling you it isn't anything,"
"Okay," they all say, sounding like they're not fully convinced.
I realize then that I still haven't told them about what happened Friday night. I need to tell them.
I'm not sure Grayson even remembers. Maybe he was drunk and didn't know what he was saying. He didn't seem drunk though...
"Guys, there's something I need to tell you," I say. Just then the bell rings.
I guess it'll have to wait.


After picking Jo up from school, I drive straight home. As soon as we get home, I go upstairs and call my friends to tell them everything.
"Wait, he promised he'd make it up to you?" Alex asks.
"Yes," I answer.
"Did he say anything about how you looked?" Hannah asks.
"No," I say. Not on Friday.
"Why does he need to make it up to you?" Rose asks.
"I don't know,"
"He didn't cheat on you. Your heart wasn't broken," Alex says.
"Maybe he feels he needs to make it up to you on his brothers behalf and on your sisters behalf," Hannah suggests.
"I don't understand it either guys. Maybe he was drunk and didn't know what he was saying. Now, he doesn't remember," I suggest.
"Did he seem drunk?" Hannah asks.
"No," I answer, truthfully.
"So that's not it," Rose says, thoughtfully.
"Sorry, I didn't tell you guys earlier," I say.
"We forgive you, Az," Hannah says.
We all hang up.
Well, now my friends know that.
A small weight has been lifted off my shoulder, but some dark clouds still hang above.



{French for hello?!}

Not much to say.
Azacia's outfit:


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Luv ya,

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