(9) Monday

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Monday morning and everything's back to normal. I walk past Grayson in the hallway and
he says nothing. He doesn't even look at me. Strange. I continue walking to class and the rest of the day goes on per normal.
When the bell rings, I make my way to the cafeteria with Hannah. "Have you heard anything from Grayson?" She asks and I shake my head. Silently, we get our lunch. I get pasta and a water. Sitting down, Alex and Rose are already there. "Did you guys hear about the school field trip?" Alex asks. I shake my head. Rose has a grin on her face and so does Hannah. "Guys, what's going on?" I ask, confused. "You'll see," Alex smirks. "No, tell me now," I say, eating a spoonful of pasta. "They'll tell us after a lunch," Rose says. "Then how do you guys know?" I ask. They all grin back at me. "You're terrible friends," I tell them with a fake glare. "It's a surprise!" Hannah says, throwing her arms around me. When I don't try to hug her back, she withdraws. "You're gonna be so happy when you find out, Az,"
Now I'm curious.

"Please be seated," Our Principle, Mr Mackfield says and gestures for us all to take a seat. He has just called an emergency assembly and most of the kids in our grade freaked out.
"I have some interesting news for you all that I'm sure you'll find exciting,"  He continues. Hannah nudges my arm from beside me. "Since the year 11's have worked so hard since the beginning of the year, we've decided to give you all a little treat," As soon as he says that, there's hushed whispering all over the auditorium. Principle Mackfield raises his hand and the crowd silences. He continues. "Tomorrow, we'll be going on a little field trip to a theme park," he smiles. The whole crowd chatters away to their friends next to them. "You'll be required to pack in all the essentials, as well as swimming suites. Everyone will meet here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. The bus will leave at 7:15 and from there we'll take off," He finishes. "Oh, and if you have any questions, there's a notice posted just outside my office," He then exits through the side door and our Vice Principal Miss Pepper takes to the stage. "You're all dismissed," she says. We all turn to leave. "You excited, Az?" Alex asks from in front of me. "Of course," I smile. I absolutely love theme parks. "You're sleeping at mine," Hannah perks up from behind me. "And why's that?" I ask. "We all know you're not gonna be able enough to catch the bus on time. If you sleep at my house, we can go together,"
"We'll give it a shot," I smile. "But I'm not making any promises,"
"Good," she says as we exit the auditorium. "After school we can go to your house and collect your things before going to mine," I nod my head. "What do you guys have last period?" I ask.
I have Biology. Yay! (NOTE THE SARCASM)


"Hey, wait up," someone says from behind me. Thinking they're not talking to me, I continue walking forward. "Princess, wait," the voice says, more determined. Slowly, I turn around and face Grayson. "You talking to me?" I ask. "Who else?" He grins. I look at him. "Have you heard about the trip tomorrow?" I nod my head. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it actually," I answer, a smile lighting up my face. Grayson smiles too. "I gotta get going, but, um, save me a seat on the bus?" I nod my head, uncertain. "Sure," I say. "Thanks," he smiles and walks off. I'm left in the middle of the passage staring at his retreating figure.
Does Grayson Lively want to sit next to me on the bus? I shake my head. That can't be. But then why would he ask me to save him a seat? I'm so confused right now. But I push all of those thoughts to the back of my head. Quickly, I grab my tote bag and make my way to Hannah's locker. "You ready to go, babes?" She asks. I nod and we begin walking to my car. "You take your car home and I'll follow behind you," she says and I nod. I get in my car and start the journey home.

"Where are you going?" Jack says, watching me pack my bags. "I'm sleeping at Hannah's," I say. "Our grade is going on a trip to a theme park," Hannah explains, raiding my closet for clothes.
"Does mom and dad know?"
"The school informed them a couple days ago," I say. "They don't know about Hannah's though,"
"Why are you going there anyway?"
"We have to be at the bus at 7:00 a.m." I deadpan. Jack laughs. "Okay, that makes sense then," I nod. "I'm sure they'll understand,"
"Exactly, Az. Now let's decide on your outfit," With that, Jack leaves.
"It's really not that important, Han," I groan. "Shut up," she says and tosses me clothing. "Wear that," she grins from ear to ear. I look at it before grinning myself. "This is actually pretty cute," Hannah collapses onto me. "See, why don't you trust your best friend?" She pouts. "I do trust you," I say. "I trust you too," she says, getting off of me. Instead she sits opposite from me."I'm choosing your outfit tomorrow," I state. She nods. "If you're not choosing for yourself, you have a pretty good fashion sense,"
"Thanks," I roll my eyes.
"I can't wait for our bus ride tomorrow," Hannah says, excited.
"About that..." I trail off.
"What?" She asks, the smile disappearing off her face.
"Grayson wants to sit next to me on the bus," I say.
"Are you kidding?!" She squeals. "That's amazing,"
"I think. I mean I don't really know for sure anymore," I say.
"Tell me everything that happened," she says.
I explain what happened today after school and when I'm done Hannah smiles.
"Are you gonna sit next to him?" she asks.
"I mean I guess so," I say.
"You're so sitting next to him. I mean you're a bitch for leaving me, but I'll sit next to Rose," she says.
"I don't know why you're so excited," I shake my head. But deep down inside I feel slightly excited too.



Hello every{one} 🍕

I feel like I do this in every a/n but here we go again: my apologies...

• I'm sorry this chapter is so short
• I'm sorry this chapter is so boring
• I'm sorry this chapter is so shit

I promise the following chapter will be more interesting *wink* and longer! Hopefully, it'll be better.

Luv ya,

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