(26) Us

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|| AZACIA ||

"Azacia Jones I'm so madly, hopelessly in love with you."

A tear runs down my cheek. And in that moment I decide: I'm going to do it.

Slowly, I walk up to him, gently grabbing his chin and pulling him towards me. I push my lips to his and kiss him with every single being in my body. His arms wrap around my waist, his lips soft against mine as we move in sync.

He kind of tastes like watermelon and it's driving me crazy. How can one person taste so good?

I pull back, biting my lip to keep from smiling.
"Grayson?" my voice barely above a whisper.
I manage to turn around, but he pulls me against him, my back against his chest.
"Yes princess?" He mutters, his lips pressed against my neck.

"I'm pregnant."
I turn to face him and burst out laughing at his facial expression.
"Way to ruin the moment, Az." He pouts.
I give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I'm kidding, but we need to go grocery shopping," I tell him.

"Well what are waiting for then?" He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. 
"Slow down there, tiger," I laugh.
He grins at me with a mischievous look in his eyes as we drive to the mall.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" He asks as we roam the aisles of Dudes Foods- a common grocery store in the area.

"Hmmm," I pretend to think. "Definitely something healthy because I don't want you to end up looking like the fat kid from Charlie And The Chocolate Factory,"
"Rude much," he scoffs. "Don't worry babe, these abs aren't going anywhere," he runs a hand down his t-shirt.
"Good, but that's not what I care about," I smile.

As we walk down the vegetable aisle, Grayson continues. "So you're finally admitting it's there?" He looks with disbelief.
"Oh, I know it's there," I grin. "Not once did I ever believe differently."

He looks even more shocked. "Well, now they belong to you. They're all yours,"
I smile, choosing not to get into what exactly we are at the moment and what exactly that means.

But us having each other is enough for now.

"Is there anything you want?" I ask as we walk down the aisle with all the sweets and chocolates.

"Nah, I'm fine thanks," he says.
I nod, grabbing a box of cookie mix before making the way to the till.

"We aren't baking that are we?" Grayson asks.
We might," I grin.
"You know what happened last time I saw you baking cookies..." he informs me.
"Why do you think I bought it?" I smirk at him.
He smirks right back.

"You're playing in dangerous territory, Jones. I don't think you'll be able to handle my reaction to you baking for me," Grayson whispers in my ear.

"I'm sure I'll find a way," I wink, quickly paying for our goods.
When he walk outside, Grayson sees one of those machines where if you put in a coin you receive a gift. He runs ahead, while I'm left to laugh at his childishness.

When he walks back to me, the smile on his face is so wide, I'm getting scared.
Quickly, he drops to one knee.

"Azacia Bella Jones, be my girlfriend?" He asks, producing one of those plastic rings from the machine. It's black with a turquoise heart on it. At the moment almost everyone has their attention on us, but I don't care.

"Yes," I smile. "I'll be your girlfriend,"
With that he places the ring on my finger and picks me up bridal style.
"She said yes everyone!" He shouts.

I laugh, the shopping bags dangling at my sides. "Grayson you're so extra,"
He smiles, "Only for you," before placing a soft kiss on my lips.


I know it's short, but kill me for trying to make shit cute.

The ring:

Isn't it beautiful?

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Isn't it beautiful?


Someone needs to get me this.

NOTE: there's like 2 more chapters till the epilogue

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