(13) Hair

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"Az!" Jack calls from downstairs. "I don't know why, but Grayson's here,"
Grabbing my phone off my desk, I walk downstairs. Jack and Grayson are talking but stop when Grayson sees me.
"Morning, Lively," I grin.
"Hey," he grins back.
"You're up early, Az," Jack winks at me. I scowl at him and walk outside.
"So, I was thinking we take separate cars?" I ask him. "Because how will I get home?"
"I'll drop you, princess. Otherwise why would I pick you up?"
"Right," I laugh, getting into his car.

When we get to school, Grayson carries the bag filled with the eggplants and we go around handing them out in front of people's lockers.
By the time we've handed out the last one, the halls start to fill with people. Grayson and I walk to my locker. "Did I tell you, you look hot today?" Grayson says, leaning against my locker. "Shut up," I say, rolling my eyes, but I feel the blush in my cheeks. Just then my friends arrive. "See you later, Azi," Grayson grins and walks away.
"What was that?" Hannah asks once he's gone.
"Nothing," I shrug.
"It's something," she says, dragging me off in the direction of the Maths classroom.
"Hannah, I don't have my books!"


"Did you guys also get eggplants?" Hannah asks. I try to suppress a laugh. "I did," Rose says. "So did I," Alex says. They all look confused. "Did you also get one, Az?" Hannah asks and I smile, shaking my head. "No, I didn't," They look at me suspiciously.
"I wonder why," Alex says.
"Well, it would be weird if I gave myself one, wouldn't it?"
"It was you?" Rose asks, shocked.
"I called it," Hannah smiles.
"I'm still confused," Alex says.

"Also, where were you yesterday and the day before?" Hannah asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Grayson and I went for coffee," I tell them.
"The whole day?" Alex asks.
"Well, something came up with Josie," and I tell them what happened. About her cutting because of Dylan and how Grayson comforted her,"
"What about yesterday?" Rose asks.
I laugh at the memory. "Yesterday I decided to buy eggplants and we wrote rude messages on them,"
"Cute," Hannah laughs.
"What kind of messages?" Rose asks.
"Let's just say they weren't as nice as your ones,"

Just then, the bell rings and Hannah and I walk to English.

"Az, can I ask you something?" Hannah says. As soon as she does, my heartbeat increases and I become nervous. I don't know if it's just me, but when people say that, I imagine the worst possible situations.
"Okay," I answer, nervously.
"Do you like Grayson?" She asks, looking at me with a serious face.
I open my mouth to say something, but I'm stopped when a hand rests on my shoulder.
"Hey, ladies," Grayson smirks. "What were you two talking about?"
"You," I answer.


"Let's go babe," Grayson says, waiting impatiently. I grab my phone. "Don't call me babe, babe," I tell him, pulling tongue.
We walk to his car. "Do you mind going to the mall?" I ask him, sheepishly.
"If you're one of those types who shop till you drop then yes I do mind," he says, shaking his head.
I laugh. "No, I go shopping, get what I want and leave," I say.
"Good," he says, "then I don't mind taking you,"
"I don't even want to shop. I want to dye my hair," I tell him.

"You're really gonna do this?" Grayson asks. We're at the hairdressers and Grayson doesn't believe I actually wanna do this. I nod.
"Fine. What color are you gonna get?" He asks.
"It's a surprise," I say. With that, Melanie, the hairdresser, drags me away. Just before she puts the coloring on she looks at me through the mirror. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" She asks. I nod. "I'm sure."

"There you go," she says, finishing up the last bits. "Thanks," I smile, looking at myself in the mirror. I love this color. I decided to go with an ombré. The top of my hair black and the tips grey. Once I've paid the lady I go find Grayson.
"What do you think?" I ask him, nervously. He just looks at me for a while, a sort of shocked look on his face.
"What? Is it bad?" I ask self-consciously. "Should I have gotten a different color?"
"No. It's perfect," he says. "You look beautiful,"
"Thanks," I smile, feeling the heat in my cheeks. It means a lot that Grayson likes it. I don't know why, but yeah.

"So you wanna celebrate?" Grayson smiles. His usual aura is back. I smile and nod. We walk to the food court. "What would you like to eat?" He asks. I shrug. "You can choose,"
He nods and gets up to leave. While I wait for him to return I feel butterflies in my stomach. Small ones, nothing too big. But why? It can't be Grayson can it...?

"Here you go," he says. He's bought pizza. Now that he's here, the butterflies are gone. I think I was just hungry. "Thanks," I say, taking a slice.
"You're welcome, princess,"


"What?! Lemme see!!" Hannah squeals. I called her once I got home to tell her about my hair. I laugh and open up snapchat. Pulling tongue, I send her the picture.

"Aww. It looks amazing," she says. "Yeah. Grayson said that," I mutter.
"Nothing," I say. I didn't think she'd hear that.
"What exactly did he say, Azacia?"
"He just said it was perfect and I looked beautiful,"
"That's so sweet. I'm happy for you, Az," she says. We talk some more and when I hang up I feel a sense of relief.

At least she forgot about that Grayson thing earlier...



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