(8) Frozen Yogurt

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"What do you guys wanna do now?" Darren grins. It's early evening and we're about to leave the beach. "Ice cream," Hannah grins. "It's too cold for that," Rose groans. "Frozen yogurt then," Hannah argues. "I'm down for that," I join the conversation. "I know a place," Darren says. "I'll drive. Gray, you and Azacia follow," Grayson nods and everyone gets up to leave. I wait for Grayson. "How's your balls?" I ask, as we walk to his car. He deadpans. "Still numb,"
"I warned you that karma was a bitch," I laugh, getting in the car.
"Yeah, well I thought I could handle those,"
"Yeah, well 'thought' shat his pants," I answer. Grayson glares and I smirk.
"Music?" Grayson asks.
"Sure, but this time you choose," I say. He nods and connects the aux to his phone. He quickly chooses a song. When I hear the intro I almost lose my shit.

"Ain't no telling what I'm finna, I'm be on. I'm beyond all that fuck shit." I start rapping the next line. "Hey lil mama would you like to be my sunshine?
N*gga touch my gang we gon turn this shit to Columbine
Ice on my neck cost me 10 times 3"

"I love this song," I say. Grayson laughs. "I can tell," I continue rapping and Grayson joins in. When the song finishes, Grayson puts it on repeat. "You have good taste in music, Lively" I smile. "Touché, Jones," he comments.
Up ahead, I see the frozen yogurt parlor. Grayson pulls into the parking lot as I see Hannah, Darren, Alex, Rose and Caleb exit the car. "Wait up, guys," I say, getting out the car. Alex looks back and grins. They all stop and I jog to catch up. Grayson lags behind. When we enter, the small bell rings as the door opens.
We queue one by one and place our orders. "English toffee with fudge crumble toppings,please," I say, when it's my turn. Once we've all ordered we find a booth that surprisingly fits for 7 people.
Digging into my tub, I moan in delight. "I love frozen yogurt,"
"Can I have a taste of yours?" Grayson pouts next to me. "Fine," I sigh, putting a spoonful into his open mouth. "That is good," he sighs. I nod. "Can I have more?" He pouts again. I think about it for a few seconds. "Sure," I grin, taking a spoonful and guiding it to his mouth, but instead of putting it in his mouth, I put my spoon on his nose. I burst out laughing at his face. "Nice one, Azi," Grayson says, and the next thing I know his spoon is on my nose. I turn to face him. "Now it looks like there's shit on my nose," I say. "No, everyone knows that's just 'thought'" he laughs. I grab another spoon off the table and play around with my frozen yogurt. I scoop a big blob onto my spoon and drag it down his cheek. After dropping my spoon back in the tub I grab the other side of Grayson's cheek, pulling him closer and lick the frozen yogurt off his cheek. When I release I burst out laughing. Grayson looks shocked, but I notice the mischief in his eyes. "You know what, Ariel, that was very unexpected," he nods his head. I shrug, laughing silently. Grayson scoops up ice cream and drags it across my chin. A small bit gets on my lip. Grayson licks it off my face and the tip of his tongue touches the edge of my lips. He smirks at me. "Congrats,Beast," I smirk back. We look at each other for a while. It's pretty silent until someone clears their throat. I look over at my friends. "Did you guys forget we were here?" Alex asks. "Yeah, it was pretty awkward to watch," Caleb comments. "I think it was cute," Hannah smiles. "It got pretty sexual there, too," Darren adds.
"Ariel and Beast?" Alex smirks.
"Shut up," I roll my eyes. I blush hard at all of their comments.
All 5 of them smirk back at us. "You guys are so immature," I say, throwing my spoon at Hannah. I pick up Grayson's too and throw that at Darren. They laugh. "You guys are pricks," I pout. They all laugh again. "If either of you laugh again, I'll castrate you," I warn. They all stop.

When we're done, we throw our tubs away and leave. On the way home, it's silent and awkward. Grayson doesn't talk and neither do I. There isn't even music.
"Thanks for today," I say, getting out and grabbing my bags.
"You're welcome, Azi," he smirks, before pulling off again.
"I'm back!" I say, entering my lovely home. Walking into the living room, my whole family sit and watch TV. Dad pauses it as I come in.
"How was your day, sweetie?" He asks. "Interesting," I say.
Jack winks at me from his place on the sofa. I smile, uncontrollably. "That's good," Dad says. "Now go take a shower and wash off the sand from the beach," Mom says. I nod, running upstairs.

Once I'm out the shower and in pajamas, I call Hannah. It's become routine. We call each other before bed.
"Jim's Whore House, hello?"
"It's Joey and I was just wondering if my usual is still available," I play along.
She laughs. "So, you gonna explain what happened today?" She asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Between you and Grayson,"
"I don't even know what that was myself, Han," I say, truthfully.
"It looked cute to me," she repeats.
"That was not cute,"
"Well you had a moment,"
"It was kinda sexual,"
"Even better. A sexual moment,"
"It's hardly a moment," I say.
"Why would you say that?" She asks.
"Grayson's a fuckboy, which means he has plenty sexual moments with plenty girls," I explain. Hannah is silent. She's knows I'm right. It might sound like Hannah believes in clichés, but she secretly despises them. What she doesn't understand is that life is one big cliché.
"Hannah, I don't like Grayson Lively," I tell her.
"Okay," she says. After a few seconds, I hang up.

I don't like Grayson Lively.



{Croatian for hello?!}

Continue on from previous chapter!
Sorry it's short! I'll try and make the next one longer.

Hope you enjoyed!

Song of the day: Broccoli by D.R.A.M and Lil Yachty


Luv you all,

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