(10) Roller coasters

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"Azacia Jones, get your but downstairs right now. We're leaving," Hannah screams.
Before I leave I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a white crop top with faded denim jeans and a blue and red check flannel. My hair is loose at the shoulders.  I grab my phone and throw it in my tote bag. "I'm coming," I jog down the stairs. "Let's go,"
She shakes her head as we leave her house. "You are something else, Az," she says. "I woke up early today," I defend. "Yes, you did," she smiles as we pull into the school parking lot. Hannah lives about 10 minutes away from school. "We're here," I say, grabbing my bag and exiting the car.
When we walk up to the school bus, a crowd of people stand around in a long queue. "What are they doing?" I ask, looking around. "Roll call," Hannah answers and we join the queue.  "Isn't that Rose and Alex up front there?" Hannah asks and walks off. "Han, wait," I call out, but she ignores me. Before I can follow, a voice whispers in my ear. "Hey princess,"
I turn around to face Grayson, raising an eyebrow at him. "Good morning, Grayson,"
"You're looking good this morning," he comments, checking me out. His eyes linger longer on my legs. "Stop perving," I say, hitting his arm playfully. I can feel the blush on my cheeks.  "I can't help it. I swear it's innocent," he says, putting his hands up in a surrender position. I shake my head, as we get to the front. "Azacia," Vice Principal Pepper says, ticking my name off the list. "Who will you be sitting with today?" She asks. Before I can answer her, Grayson wraps his hands around my shoulder. "That would be me, Miss," he smiles. "Grayson Lively," she nods and ticks his name off. "Got it," she says and we enter the bus. As soon as we do, I shake Grayson's arm off my shoulder.  He laughs. "Let's go," he says, walking ahead of me. On the way to the back of the bus, I see Hannah and Rose. I glare at them. "Here," Grayson says, holding his hand out for me to sit down. "Figures you'd choose to sit in the third row from the back," I say, sitting in the window seat. Grayson laughs. "You know me so well, princess,"
"Hardly," I say.
"Well let's change that," he says, a serious look on his face.
"How do you suggest we do that?" I ask.
"21 questions?"
"I'll go first," Grayson says. "Has anyone ever broken your heart?"
"Yes," I say, staring up into Grayson's blue orbs. He stares back down at me. I shake it off. I'd rather not remember that time.
"Have you intentionally broken someone's heart?" I ask him.
"Never intentionally," is his answer. I nod in response.
"How old were you when you had your first kiss?" He asks me, a smirk on his face.
"14," I answer. "But I don't even want to know yours," He chuckles.
"Who is your favorite family member and why?" I ask him a more personal question.
"My mom, because she's always there for me when I need her," he answers, a light blush on his face.
"Aww. What a mama's boy," I laugh, smiling at him.
"Shut up," he smiles back.
We continue on for a while, back and forth, when the bus stops.
"Okay everyone, we have arrived at our destination," Miss Pepper says. "You may all exit in single file and we'll meet back here in 3 hours,"
I smile at Grayson as we get up and grab our bags. When we get outside, Grayson grabs my hand. I don't know why, but when he does I feel a slight tingle in my hand. I shrug it off, as Grayson pulls me along. "Let's go have some fun,"

After about half an hour of just walking around and trying to find something to eat, I tap Grayson's shoulder. He turns to face me. "Yeah?"
"Let's go on that," I say, pointing to the most exciting roller coaster I've seen whole day.
"Why ride a roller coaster when you can ride this dick?" He smirks.
"Because roller coasters actually make me scream," I reply back. Grayson looks shocked. I grab his hand and drag him towards the roller coaster. "That was a good one, princess," he applauds as we stand in line. "Thanks," I say and do a mini curtsy. "Hey, princess. Did you sit in sugar? Because you have a sweet ass," he says from behind me. I roll my eyes as we strap ourselves into the seat. "Shhh. Let me enjoy the ride," I wink at him.
"I'm sure you will," he smirks back.

"Well that was fun," I say, once we're off the roller coaster.
"Yeah. What do you wanna do now?"
"Wanna go for a swim?" I say, taunting him.
"Sure," he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Race you?" I smirk. Before he answers, he sprints away. "Cheater," I shout, sprinting to catch up. When we finally arrive at the pool area, Grayson is there first. "You cheated," I pout. Grayson chuckles. I throw off my flannel and crop top, along with my shorts, revealing my black bikini. Grayson throws off his t-shirt and then looks at me.
"Are you a library book, because I'll check you out," he says and looks me up and down.
"You already have about 10 times today," I answer back.
"Still innocent," he says.
"Still pervy," I say.
"Can you blame me?" He says, checking me out again. I roll my eyes. "Perv," I say, before jumping in the water. Grayson follows. We swim around for a bit, when I see Hannah, Rose, Darren, Caleb and Alex begin stripping off beside us. "You guys coming in?" I ask. They all nod and do a huge cannonball into the water. We all laugh and fool around for a bit. "I'm hungry," Hannah says, when we're drying off in the sun.
"Same," I say.
We all change into our clothes before looking around for something to eat. "I saw a good hotdog place around here somewhere," Grayson says. We walk around for a few minutes before Grayson finally finds it. We all order and make our way to table with a bench on each side.
Grayson turns to face me. "Wanna taste my dick?"
"Excuse me?" I ask, not sure I heard him right.
"I said, wanna taste my drink?" He says, holding his lemonade out for me to drink. 
"Good one," I say, getting the pick up line. He chuckles and puts his drink down.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer," I smirk.
"Really?" He looks shocked.
I nod. "Of course I wanna taste your drink," I say, taking his lemonade and having a sip. Grayson deadpans and I burst out laughing.
"She got you there, bro," Darren comments and gives me a high five. "Looks like I win this round, Lively,"


"Do you work at the post office? Because I saw you checking out my package," Grayson says, on the bus ride back to school.
"Please. The day I check out your package is the day I die,"
"Yeah, cause it's so big," he winks. I gag.
"I must be hunting treasure, because I'm digging your chest," he says.
"You're on my list of things to do tonight," Grayson winks.
"You should join the circus," he tries again.
"Why?" I ask, sighing.
"So you can learn to juggle my balls all day," he smirks.
"Are you a red light?" I say, joining in. "Cause staaahp,"
Grayson smiles. "Good one, Azi,"
I look out the window now. Even though Grayson was pretty annoying today, I actually had...fun.

Grayson's not as bad as I thought...


I hate this chapter. It totally sucks balls but if you somehow made it through, thanks.

For reading this chapter and making it out alive, here's this:

•Roll call song:

•AZACIA'S outfit:

•AZACIA'S outfit:

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Luv ya,

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