(19) Heat Festival \\ one

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|| AZACIA ||

"Az! Grayson's here," I hear Jack scream from downstairs. Grabbing my bag and phone, I head downstairs.
"Morning, Az," he grins.
Is it possible to feel your insides melt?
"Hi Grayson," I smile back. I say a quick goodbye to Jack and my parents, before going outside. Grayson puts my bags in the boot of his Porsche and I head to the passenger seat.
"We gotta pick up Hannah and Darren," he tells me.
"Okay," I nod, a small smile on my face.

"Please forgive Hannah," Darren pouts, entering the car.
"She can't apologize for herself?" I ask, eyeing the girl sitting next to him.
"I'm sorry," she mutters, head hung low.
I hear Grayson chuckle beside me and I smile.
"You're forgiven," I say, turning the radio on.
"Here's the aux," Grayson says, handing the white cable to me without taking his eyes off the road.
"Play dubstep!" Darren chants from the back seat.
"SHUT UP," Grayson, Hannah and I say, simultaneously.
I plug my phone in and play All Night by The Vamps and Matoma.
Grayson and Darren groan.
"Just accept it. The song is gonna get us in the mood for heat fest," I say.
Soon I see Grayson tapping his finger against the steering wheel. I grin.
"You guys hungry?" Grayson asks, pulling into McDonalds.
"Are we going to the drive-thru?" Hannah asks.
Grayson shakes his head and smirks. "Nope,"

We all get out and walk inside. I order large fries and a large sprite.
Once we've all ordered, we head to a table near the play area.
It's Darren's idea to play truth or dare while we wait for our food.
Grayson ended up daring Darren first.
"I dare you to go down that red kiddies slide," Grayson grins. "I bet you won't fit,"
Darren stands up with a huff and makes his way to the kiddies play area. We all follow.
Everything went fine, until the end of the slide, where Darren got his ass stuck inside.
I hear an awkward cough behind me and turn to face the lady with our food.
Grayson links his arm with mine and we follow the lady outside, leaving Hannah to deal with Darren.
"This is too funny," I say, pulling out my phone to take a video. It shows Hannah trying to pull Darren out of the slide, and him shouting like a baby that he'll never get free. What's even more hilarious is that the parents of the kids are giving them both strange looks and protecting their children.
Grayson chuckles and I start eating.

Eventually, once we've finished eating, Hannah and Darren come out of the play room, both looking flushed. I try my best not to laugh and pass them their food that's now cold. They grab it, a scowl on their face and head for the door.
"Someone's in a bad mood," I mutter to Grayson on the way out.
"Some two are in a bad mood," he whispers back.


"We're here," Grayson grins.
"Wow," I grin back at him.
There are thousands of people dancing to one dj. Smoke erupts from machines and most people look like they're having the time of their life.
"It's called the welcome party," he explains to me. "It looks like there's lots of people, but most leave after today,"
"And we're staying?" I ask. Grayson nods, getting my bags out the car.
I smile. I'm actually excited.

"Where are we staying?" I ask him.
"Tents?" I ask, skeptical.
"It looks better than it sounds," he says, a smile on his face.
"Okay," I say, letting him lead the way.

After about 5 minutes, we arrive in front of a tent the size of a small house.
"This is it," Grayson says as we all go inside.
There are pillows strewn across the ground to create a carpet. There are also four beds laid out next to each other on the far end.
To the left of the tent, there's a small section closed off, which I'm assuming is the bathroom.

"This is perfect," I say, dramatically falling onto one of the beds. Before I know it, Grayson falls down next to me.
"This bed isn't made for two, Grayson," I laugh awkwardly, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.
"But it can be," he winks.
"You're disgusting," I laugh, burying my face into the pillow to hide the blush.
I hear Grayson chuckle and feel his weight being lifted off the bed. He takes the one next to mine.

"We're going to the welcome party," Hannah grins at me. I watch as her and Darren exit the tent and I hear their laughter fade away.
"Well, I'm tired," I exclaim, fetching my pajamas out of my bag.
"Hey, princess?" Grayson says, leaning his elbow on the bed rest.
"Yeah?" I turn to face him.
"I like making you blush,"
I roll my eyes and smile.
"Shut up," I say, going to the 'bathroom' to change into an old t shirt of Jacks and pajama shorts.

When I come out again, Grayson has stripped down to nothing but sweatpants.
Don't look, Azacia. Do not look.
And I look. Why are his abs so toned?
I internally groan.
"Enjoying the view?" He smirks.
"Not really," I play it off. "I think you need to work on it some more,"
He chuckles and I grin.
I walk over to my bed and sit down.
"Hey, Az?"
"Yes, Grayson?"
"I'm bored,"

I'm bored.

Before I say anything, I do the first thing that pops into my head. I start dancing.
"What are you doing?" Grayson chuckles.
I stand up and start doing random dance moves.
"What does it look like? I'm dancing," I tell him.
"To what music?" He asks, looking extremely confused. I roll my eyes and get off the bed.
I grab his hands and pull him along with me.
I start dancing and he follows. Then I grab him by the arms and dance to the beat.

Eventually, we both collapse onto the bed, tired.
"You still bored?" I ask, smiling.
"Not one bit," he says, pulling me towards him and wrapping his hands around me.

Suddenly, my heart rate increases and not just because I was dancing. My heart rate increases, because Grayson Lively has his hands wrapped around me.


Sorry it's 2 days late and smells like shit.

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