(18) Crush

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Some people might say that having a crush doesn't change or affect your life in any way.
I however disagree. Having a crush is like having someone consume most of your brain. They're in your thoughts, in your head. Everywhere.

Having a crush changes the way you interpret song lyrics, it changes the way you see others love each other.

That being said, the next morning when I wake up, everything is normal. As it should be. Yeah, having a crush changes things, but it's not like the world is going to end the next day and there'll be havoc all over the world.

I hop in the shower and once I'm done change into a faded mint crop top with white, patterned shorts.

"Guess what, Jo?" I say, walking next to her on the stairs

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"Guess what, Jo?" I say, walking next to her on the stairs.
"Today's my last day of taking you to school," I grin.
"Finally. I can be early again," she says and I smack her arm.
"Rude. Just get in the car," I tell her. I grab a granola bar and head to the car.
"So, Jo," I try making conversation. "Is there anything you wanna tell me?"
Jo looks at me for a few seconds before shaking her head.
"Thanks, Az," she says, scurrying out the car, which causes me to laugh.
Still laughing, I pull into my own High School and walk inside.

As I'm fetching my books out my locker, I feel someone behind me. "You're looking absolutely gorgeous today, princess," Grayson whispers in my ear. I feel myself blush harder than usual. Spinning around, I lean my back against my locker. "Thanks," I mutter, unable to control the smile on my face. I look up at Grayson to see him shamelessly checking me out.
"Stop perving, Lively," I roll my eyes.
"You knew it was coming," he defends, a smirk on his face.
"I gotta get to class, but I'll see you later," I say, walking off in the direction of my friends. As I walk, I clutch my books tighter to my chest.
Since when do I play hard to get?

"Good morning, Az," Hannah smirks, snapping me out of my daze.
"Hi." I say, still a bit star eyed.
"May I ask why you're so dolled up today?" She asks and I laugh.
"Dolled up you say? This is actually my casual outfit," I inform them.
"Really?" Rose asks.
"Really," I say, grabbing Hannah's hand and making our way to English.
"See you later," I tell Rose and Alex.

"What was that really about?" Hannah asks as we sit down. The teacher hasn't arrived yet, so we talk freely.
"I may or may not like Grayson." I tell her, avoiding eye contact.
"What?!" Hannah whispers, wide eyed. I nod.
"I only realized it yesterday," I say.
"It took you long enough," she says. "You guys would make a cute couple,"
I shake my head, refusing to believe what she said.
"I don't want false hope," I tell her.
"I mean, having a crush means them not reciprocating your feelings. Right?" I ask her.
"Not necessarily," she shrugs. "Otherwise how do couples form?"
"You ask someone out based on attraction and see if you click with them then," I say.
Before Hannah can reply, the teacher walks in and the lesson begins.

"I need food in my system," I say, packing up my books and walking to my locker.
"Don't we all?" Hannah says, walking with me to my locker. Once I've placed my books in, we make our way to the cafeteria.
"You do realize that we get next week off," I hear Alex tell Rose as I sit down.
"What?" I ask.
"Yeah. Next week our grade gets the week off," he says.
"Why?" Hannah asks.
"Don't question it, Han. Accept and enjoy," I tell her.
I begin eating, but stop when Rose asks "What are we gonna do then?" she grins.
I laugh. "Good question, Rose,"
"I know what I'm gonna do," Hannah remarks.
But before I can ask her what she's talking about the bell rings and she hurries off to her next lesson.
"Okay, well that was weird," I say, throwing my empty wrappers in the bin.
Alex and Rose nod.
"Don't worry. I'll find out," I say.


Once I've packed up my last books, I shut my locker, satisfied. I grab my phone and car keys, ready to go home.
"Hey, Ariel," Grayson slings his arm over my shoulder.
"Hey, stranger," I grin.
"So you've heard about next week?" He asks.
I nod. "I swear I'm last to hear about these things, but yes,"
"Great. Darren told me he already asked Hannah to go with him to the Heat festival,"
"Heat festival?" I ask, confused.
"She didn't tell you?"
I shake my head.
"It's this festival that takes place over 5 days. Each day represents different activities. It's really fun," he grins.
So that's what Hannah's doing next week?
"It does," I nod my head, still not entirely convinced. By this time, we're already outside and Grayson walks me to my car.
"So you wanna go?" He asks.
"I guess. I mean it sounds like fun," I say, leaning against my car door.
"Awesome. We'll talk details tomorrow," he says and walks off to his own car.
"Drive safe, Azi," he shouts.
And there I thought he almost forgot that nickname.
"You too, Lively. And don't call me that," I say, pulling out of the parking lot and making my way home.

How sweet is it that he cares about me driving home safely? I still don't understand it. Somehow I find a small smile forming on my face and the reason for it being one person:

Grayson Lively.


*someone coughs*


Okay, so the following chapters are just gonna be full on Gracia moments and y'all better love it!
I'm actually excited, so you better be too.



Just kidding!

I love you.

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