Chapter 4.

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Sufyaan took a deep breath and sat on the couch. Kehara sat next to him. After few seconds she turned to her left to face him.

"What happened bhai? Why are you sad?"


"Ok. So Now tell me what is bothering you?"

Sufyaan stared her for few seconds and then Knowing that she won't leave him alone without knowing the reason he gave in.

"Afzal blamed me today."

"Yeah Aman told me about that. But he did not mean that bhai! He was just sad."

"I know. But still deep down it is hurting me."

"Oh bhai! You know Afzal. He loves you so much! He was just sad and scared. He is a human after all. He said something that he did not mean. It's OK!"

"I know. And I'm not angry but still."

Kehara placed her hand on his hand. After few seconds of silence Kehara said,

"Bhai are you sure this is the only thing that is bothering you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are not someone who will get upset on such a small thing. What is it?"

Sufyaan frowned but before he could reply Aman came in the living room.

"Afzal is still not here?"

"No." Kehara said shaking her head.

"What happened but? Why he wants to meet us now?" Sufyaan looked at his wrist watch, "It's almost twelve."

"I don't know. He told me to call you here and that he will be here in twenty minutes. But what he did not know was that you are always here!" Aman said rolling his eyes.

"You and your taunts! You qualify for a really good desi mother in law."

Kehara giggled and Aman widened his eyes at her, making her laugh.

"It's my house. at least don't insult me here."

"It's my sister's house. I can do whatever I want." Sufyaan said rolling his eyes.

"And I'm trapped here with kids! Afzal where are you?" Kehara whispered but they heard her.

Aman was going to say something but The Door bell rang and Kehara instantly ran to open it.

"Assalamu alayekum Kehara."

"Walekum assalam Afzal. Come in." Kehara said smiling and they started walking towards the living room. "You are fine right?"

"Yes Kehara I'm fine. Alhumdulillah."

"That's good. You want me to leave you three alone?"

"Oh no no. Like all our meetings we need you. So stay and help."

Kehara chuckled and said ,Ok."

"Assalamu Alayekum!" Afzal exclaimed entering the room.

Aman and Sufyaan looked at each other smiling.

"Walekum assalam." They said together.

Afzal dropped himself on the couch next to Aman and Kehara sat next to Sufyaan.

"So what's the matter?" Aman asked.

"Yamina said yes?" Sufyaan asked smiling.

"Yes! Yes she said yes!"

Kehara clapped her hands together.

"That's awesome! Congratulations!"

"Congrats bro!" Sufyaan said.

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