Chapter 36.

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"Zyva are you ready?" Gulfisha asked.

Zyva looked at her and after few seconds nodded. Today someone is coming to see Zyva for marriage. When yesterday Abbas asked Zyva she instantly agreed. She thought, She will never get Sufyaan and instead of marrying her cousin it would be better to get married to a stranger.

Yesterday Abbas called Zyva and told her that one of his friend and his family was coming to see her. She said yes out of fear. Gulfisha also thought this would be a good idea. So now Zyva is waiting for her sister in her room and Soon Zynah will come to take her.

She never thought it would hurt her so much. She thought once she comes back to India she will forget Sufyaan. But she forgot she brought her heart with her. She wiped her tears and after few minutes Zynah came in the room.

"Baji lets go."

"Zynah I don't want to come."

"Baji nothing will happen. Don't worry. come on."

Zyva kept staring her for few seconds before standing up. Zyva went down and met them. The guest family was there for some time and then they left. But before leaving they said something which was not new. They said they liked Zynah and want Zynah to become their daughter-in-law instead of Zyva. Abbas definitely refused and was sad but this made Zyva very happy.

Zyva was sitting on her bed removing her earrings when Zynah opened the door and entered the room. She banged the door and started walking in the room.

"He was such a bad human!"

"Zynah calm down."

"Baji! How can they reject you!"

"Because you are the beautiful one."

"This is not fair! They don't even know you! You are the pure one. The one who is loved by everyone and the one who deserves everything. This is so not done!" Zynah exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

Zyva stood up and went to her sister. She pulled her to the bed and forced her to sit.

"It's ok."

"No it's not! You know Sufyaan bhai is better than them.  Even if he is a flirt and irritating and bossy and many more things. But he is still loyal to you. He flirts with everyone but nothing more than that. He is really better."

Zynah started crying and Zyva wiped her tears.She rubbed her back to make her feel better.

"Zynah enough."

"I'm sorry Baji." Zynah said before resting her head on Zyva's shoulder.

"Why are you sorry?"

"It's all because of me."

"No love. It's not your fault." Zyva said removing Zynah's hair from her face and tucking them behind her ears.

"No Baji. It's me. I'm sorry." Zynah said before she started crying again.

Zynah cried for few minutes and Zyva was holding her close. This was not the first time when something like this happened. Zyva started receiving proposals since the day she turned eighteen. Her father usually use to refuse but when he thought the boy was genuinely good he allowed them to come. This was the fifth time when someone rejected Zyva and asked Zynah's hand. Zynah hates when this happens. It makes her feel like a criminal. No doubt Zyva use to feel a little bad but that does not mean she was jealous of her sister. Zyva still loves her sister a lot.

Even after Zynah was done crying they sat in the same position for some time. Zyva knows her sister is sad and all she needs now is someone to tell her that it was not her fault.

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