Chapter 3

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I didn’t sleep at all that night I couldn’t, all I could think about was how I was really going to lose Drake this time, after the millions of times I’ve threatened him I never once meant it I just wanted him to care, I wanted him to be worried that he’d lose me but he never did and now it really is happening.

It made me wish that I’d spent more time with him even if it was just to argue because it was never as fun arguing with anyone as it was with Drake.

No matter how much hurt he’d caused me I always loved him I just couldn’t help it because he’s mine and that was that, he could sleep around as much as he wanted to but he could never deny the fact that he’d always come back to me in the end.

I missed him even now, his touch and kiss and scent, but he crossed the line when he hurt Milly and it’s sad that that’s what it took for me to say it’s gotten out of hand.

I remember when we first met in Bulgaria when I’d been asked to join an excavation for these very important scriptures that were rumoured to have been stolen from the Library of Alexandria centuries ago.

It had been a long day with no results and so I’d decided to go back to the hotel we were all staying in. It was freezing up in the mountains so I decided to have a little drink at the bar to warm myself.

It was probably around nine at night and I was walking to the bar when I actually felt his eyes on me except I didn’t know they belonged to him. My first reaction was to check myself but I was fine in my black cocktail dress, short and clinging until it reached my hips where the material was left to drape over my thighs and ended at the knee. I’d left my hair down because it was way too cold to leave my neck exposed.

When I reached the bar I sat on a stool at the deserted end of the bar and it didn’t take long before the bartender came over to take my order.

“And what get a fine young lady like yourself”? I quirked my eyebrow at the young lady part since he looked my age but didn’t press it.

“Scotch please”.

“Sorry only got American Bourbon” I made a face but nodded.


He placed the small crystal glass in front of me and I took a sip enjoying the burn when I felt a presence next to me. I turned to my right and there leaning up against the bar was the hands down sexiest guy I had ever seen in my life, dressed all in black except for this huge silver plated belt he was wearing looped through his dress pants. The sleeves of his black shirt were pushed up to his elbows exposing his pale white skin. Dark eyes and hair completed his look, he was just one of those guys that scream mystery and I’m pretty confident that I started to fall in love with him right there.

He noticed my staring but was caught up in his own and I wasn’t going to tell him to stop I enjoyed the feel of his eyes on me so I just turned back to my drink and took another sip.

“That’s a strong drink for a lady isn’t it”? I turned back to him immediately at the sound of his voice which I’m ashamed to say had a musical quality to it. It surprised me that his accent was Scottish but I didn’t comment on it or how sexy it was but just answered his question.

“Not strong enough” I replied taking another sip and setting it down on a coaster.

He laughed a deeply “I know I heard you ask for scotch. May I ask what you’re doing here? It’s just I come here quite often and I’ve never seen you before”.

I eyed him curiously but gave in because from the off I could never deny him anything. “I’m on an excavation for a crypt that was located in these mountains, they called me to help them decipher some scriptures they believe to be buried in there although when they called I assumed that they’d have the scriptures ready not that I’d have to wait around in gale force winds while they had a little dig with their buckets and spades”. He laughed at that again and waved to the bartender who came over with an empty glass and a bottle of Bourbon which he set down in front of Drake. 

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