Chapter 4

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No one spoke as I finished my introduction, so I dared to glance at the pinkette. However, she was avoiding eye contact.

I wonder if she remembers him..does she even remember me?

I doubt it. She is so dense. I should've told her my real name back then--

"Kakashi-sensei, right? Where do we sit?!" An obnoxious voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Just...just sit.." He looked around the room. "Behind Sakura and Hinata will do,"

My eyes wandered to where Kakashi-sensei was pointing and almost immediately my feet took me behind Sakura. Naruto took the empty seat behind Hinata while the girls were frozen with fear.


"Suskyy! Let's go! My ramen can't wait any longer!"

Naruto and I headed toward the cafeteria with a crowd of girls stalking us from behind.

I can't go through one period without hearing giggles. Not only, but those girls seemed to have Naruto's cousin as the leader.

It's really annoying.

Naruto and I sat down at the corner of the cafeteria feeling relieved we were finally alone.

"Didn't you eat ramen yesterday?" I asked the blonde.

''One can never have enough," he grinned through his stuffed mouth. I rolled my eyes when all of a sudden my eyes caught a glimpse of bright pink, I instantly turned around to see a platinum blonde jogging towards our table with a couple of friends trailing behind, including Sakura.

"Hey! Mind if we sit here?" The blonde asked.

Before I could even answer her, she sat herself down next to Naruto.

"Hi! I'm Ino Yamanaka and from now on, we're comrades!"
I gaped at the girl who just sat herself down like it was nothing but then someone cut in.

"You alive or what?" A fanged brunette asked.

"Im Kiba! This here is Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Tenten, Lee, and Neji," he pointed out. "And...what's your name again?"

A pale-faced ravenette emerged from the back and gave a fake smile "Sai,"

"You idiot, Kiba!" Ino yelled out.

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot!" Kiba retorted. 

"Oi, shut up!" Naruto suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned their head towards him as he suddenly stood up and walked all the way to the back of the crowd.

"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! You're our awesome neighbor, right?"

I immediatly turned around to see Naruto talking to our stalkers. When the girls didn't reply, I got up and stood next to Naruto, looking at the girls straight in the eye.

"It would be common courtesy to state your names too,"

"H-Hinata..Hyūga..nice t-to meet you," She looked away from Naruto's gaze.

"Sakura..Sakura Haruno,"

I was almost lost for words. I never thought I would ever hear her voice again.


Oh my jashin. I am so dead.

I waited for his answer but then all of a sudden, Ino jumped up.

"Neighbors?! Oh em gee! This is like..a perfect love story!"

My face went red instantly. I'm pretty sure his fan club (yes he has a fan club already) would kill me if I so much as touch him.
"Ino, this is a drag, but life isn't a movie," Shikamaru simply stated.

Before Ino can open her mouth, the bell rang.

Now I know why people use the phrase 'saved by the bell'.

I hurried out of the cafeteria as fast as I can, wanting to avoid any questions from Ino.

~X~ Third Point of View ~X~

As the school day ended, the Uchiha remained in the school. He headed up to the school roof, hoping to avoid his fangirls.

The Uzumaki was currently visiting one of his favorite sites in Konoha, Ichiraku Ramen, so Sasuke took this chance to call up the local real estate dealer. 

The phone only rang once before someone picked up.

"Moshi moshi! How may I help you?"

"Hello..I..wanted to ask if there's a way I can get anyone to clean my home?"

As Sasuke continued his conversation, a certain pinkette was calmly walking home from school with Hinata and Kiba.

"Na-ru-to U-zu-ma-ki. Hinata, you blush so much just when someone says his name!" Kiba teased.

"Kiba-kun! Pleaase be quiet..he's right there!" Hinata pleaded while pointing to the small ramen shop just across from them.

"Aw! Hina has a crush!" I squeeled while Hinata covered her red face.

"N-no-" the lavender eyed ravenette started but got cut off.

"Yo! You guys wanna have some ramen with me?" Naruto asked.
Hinata suddenly stopped in her tracks, but didn't dare glance at Naruto.

Out of nowhere, Kiba started pushing Hinata towards Naruto. The pinkette giggled. 

"Have fun, Hina!" As Sakura said my good bye, she caught Naruto biting his lip as she trudged through the snow, away from the others.

Sakura pulled up her scarf to cover her nose, since it was freezing when all of a sudden, her phone rang.


"Sakura! Come to my office, now!"



"'re a job? Your own daughter?"

"I don't have anyone else to work for this job so you are my last option," mother replied.

"So..what exactly is this job?"

The blonde heaved a breath and watched me like a hawk "You will be a maid, you got that?"

"A maid?!" I jumped up from surprise. "I'm can't be a maid...I'm...I'm me!"

"Sakura Haruno. Sit down. Do you want me to rent out your room?" my mother ordered me.

"N-no ma'am" I sat down obediently, but glaring daggers at her.

"Surprisingly, you will be working at our neighbor's house. The Uzumaki and the Uchiha household," (A/N LMFAO I MAKE IT SOUND LIKE THEY'RE MARRIED #SasuNaru.)

Silence hung onto the air as I slowly grasped my mother's words. When I realized what she was saying, I once again jumped up. I pointed an accusing finger at her.

"I don't want to work for them!" I yelled at her.

She didn't even reply. All she did was point a finger to the wall above me. I turned around.

A bright yellow poster read "Apartment for rent, 75,000 ¥ ! "

I right away knew she was talking about my bedroom. Geesh does this woman ever give up?

"Fine...but I'm getting paid right?" I finally gave in.

"Yes, you are," She handed me a single sheet of paper which I guess had all the information of my job on it.

" wouldn't let just anyone into Sukè-Kun's home. So--"

"Oi! Enough! Just read the paper!" The blonde snapped. "Anyway.. there's one more thing that one of the owners told me,"


"You are not allowed to enter the room that has a blue star on it with the Uchiha crest, got it?"



So I was thinking..maybe I should put a SasuSaku pic on each chappie, eh?

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