Chapter 14

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Third POV

"After Itachi died, everything went downhill." Sasuke started his story.

"Are you Itachi's brother?"

Sasuke's tear-stained face looked up to a tall figure.

"Who are you?" The crying boy asked. The tall figure bent down and patted his head. An odd feeling surged throughout the younger one's body.

"My name is Uchiha Shisui." He smiled brightly. "I'll be your guardian from here on."

"I had no choice but to go whether I liked it or not. Shisui was very insistent." Sasuke said, smiling.

About a week later, Sasuke left Konoha. He didn't say bye to anyone. He just left.

They arrived in Suna about half a day later. It was like a desert there and it took a while to get used to.

When Shisui enrolled Sasuke at the local school, he made 3 friends. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. They were the children of the principal but no one exactly talked to them.

But Sasuke felt he couldn't express his feelings. He thought his feelings were just mere obstacles since that was what his feelings for Sakura felt like. When Itachi died, nothing felt right.

But Shisui, a previous friend of Itachi, always looked after him.

"Sasuke stop making that cold face and just tell me what's up." Shisui one day said. Sasuke just turned 17 5 months ago and has gotten used to Suna.

"It's gonna be his 12 year anniversary next month." Sasuke took a deep breath. "I want to go back to Konoha."

Sasuke's POV

As I wrapped up my story, I looked down at the pinkette who was leaning her head against my shoulder. I felt myself smile at how close we were.

"I'm glad you're back." Sakura finally said. She looked up at me and grinned. "You have no idea how much I missed going next door every day."

"Itachi made all those times memorable." I replied.

Sakura suddenly got up and travelled behind Itachi's desk. She kneeled down onto the floor; She pulled out a box and brought out a box that looked a decade old.

"What's this?" She asked.

"I know just as much as you do." I sat down next to her. She opened up the box with ease and pulled out a jump rope. A great smile spread across her face.

"I remember this..!" Sakura untied the rope. "My face always would get red so—"

"— I gave you that so it seems like whenever you turn red it's because of jump-roping." I interrupted.

"Yeah." Sakura grinned. I couldn't help but grin back.

I reached out for the box to see what else was in it but Sakura looked a bit dazed.

"G-Gomen..i've just..i've never seen you smile so much. You act like a cold city man sometimes." Sakura apologized. I shook my head while chuckling.

"To be honest it's been a while since i've smiled so much." I said.

"Hey isn't this your teddy bear?" Sakura took a brown colored teddy bear out of the box with a bright red bow around it's neck. She held it up as if it was a trophy. "Awe I forgot how much of a baby you used to be~!" I felt red creeping onto my cheeks.

"H-Hey!" Sakura stood up so I couldn't grab it but that was easily solved with me standing up as well.

She ran around the office as I chased her around. Her giggles were heard around the room as she held up the teddy bear in the air. After chasing her around for a minute, I stood still so she can run into me.

And she did.

"Oof!" her face smashed into my chest due to her small figure. I easily caught the teddy bear and put it aside. "Heyyy that was mean!" The pinkette punched my chest.

"Making me have to chase you was mean." I replied. Sakura pouted at this. She turned around and sat where we were previously sitting. She laid herself down on the carpeted floor.

"Do you have your phone with you?" She asked me.

"Nope." an image of it lying by my bedside table appeared in my head. "You?"

"Nope." Sakura sighed. "We're gonna die in here."

"Well," I checked my watch. "It's 5 PM right now. Naruto should notice soon enough. He usually gets hungry at this time."


Third POV

"I'm so hungry!" Naruto whined as he laid down on a park bench. Hinata wanted to check if the missing two were at the local park. They obviously weren't. "If we don't find them by nightfall we're calling the police."

"I hope they're okay—" Hinata was interrupted mid-sentence when Naruto's stomach loudly growled. Naruto awkwardly laughed at this while Hinata just stood up and clapped her hands. "Let's get ice cream!"

Five minutes later, the blonde and the ravenette were both eating chocolate ice cream. Naruto's treat.

"I-I had money.." Hinata said as she licked her ice cream.

"Think of it as a treat for accepting me so fast. Most people don't." The blonde smiled at the girl sitting beside him. Her cheeks were as usual, painted pink.

"You have a little..." Naruto put his hand out and wiped a bit of ice cream off of Hinata's left cheek. Startled by his own actions, his eyes widened and his heart felt weird. Wiping off the feelings, he smiled.

"O-Oh uh.." the Hyūga softly spoke. Her cheek were, if possible, even more red than before.


"Aishh where is she?" A blonde Haruno mumbled as she switched through TV channels. "Work can't last this late." It was 6:48 PM and the sun was going to set in an hour.

"I just hope she's okay.."


"You're lucky I had those in my pocket." Sasuke sighed as Sakura slowly ate her slightly melted chocolate that Sasuke handed her.

"Arigato..." Sakura mumbled while finishing her food. The only thing Sasuke is worried about is what they should do if one of them need to go to the bathroom.

Sasuke turned his head as the pinkette yawned and pulled a blanket out of the box they found earlier. It was small but it would do.

Surprisingly, she also put the blanket over Sasuke and snuggled up next to him, making Sasuke a bit shocked. A rare warm feeling spread throughout his body as Sakura placed her head onto his shoulder.

Sasuke's eyes roamed around Itachi's room for a while, unable to fall asleep, until his eye caught something green. It was a necklace on the pinkette's neck.

Smiling, he touched his own necklace, but blue.

After about 30 minutes, Naruto noticed the antique chair in the living room was out of place. He moved it aside when he realized a book from the bookshelf was missing. Naruto moved some books over to fill in the gap when all of a sudden the whole bookshelf started moving.

"W-What's going on?" Hinata said in a state of shock.

"I think we found where Sasuke and Sakura is.." Naruto said while looking into the human-size hole in the wall.

Hah see I told you I would write a long update.
But I am so sorry if I made you cringe.


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