Chapter 11

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Sakura's POV

I woke up the next Saturday afternoon feeling grumpy and tired. I've been up all night.

It's all Sasuke's fault.

He knew Sukè-kun and Uchiha Itachi! The two men that lately have occupied my mind non-stop. I know this is a stupid idea but...

Today when I go to work, I plan on asking Sasuke if he knew where my childhood best friend is, because h.ell am I curious.

I ran downstairs at 1:38 PM ready to go to the neighboring house when I heard my mother's voice boom.

"Finally, you're awake!" A blonde-headed woman came into my sight and opened her mouth yet again. "Why do you wake up so late on weekends?" I stared blankly at her question.

"'s a weekend?" I answered. My mother glared at my response and held out a trash bag.

"Throw this out."

"B-but mother I'm already late for work! I was supposed to be there 8 minutes ago—"

"Aishh that's not my fault! Hurry it up!" She passed the large black bag to me. I grabbed it with as much force as I could muster and tried my best to ran out of the house.

"Why is the trash so heavy!?" I whimpered.

I stopped at the curb and attempted to throw the bag into a van when whoop-de-doo...

I tripped over the bag.

The contents of the black bag flew out leaving me covered in trash. I was in the ground, stinky, and depressed. I groaned.

"Baka. You're 10 minutes late too."

I didn't even need to glance up to know who it was. My face burned red and it didn't help that Sasuke was holding his hand out for me to grab.

I eventually grabbed his outstretched hand. As he helped me get up, Sasuke stared at my surroundings. Garbage.

My face burned bright red as the ravenette pulled me in and leaned over my shoulder. My heart skipped beats and I felt myself wanting to run away.

"You smell." I automatically pushed him away.

"You don't have to tell me that!" I glared. "I'm pretty sure I know that..." I was about to go back to my house to change when Sasuke suddenly reached down and grabbed a piece of garbage lying on the ground.

"Just go change, I'll clean this up."


After I showered and changed into my Konoha Frogs sweatshirt I stared at myself in my mirror.

Why does my heart always beat so fast around him?

I touched the green and silver necklace on my neck and wished myself good luck. I slowly walked out of my house and took out the keys to Sasuke's. Haha if anyone from school saw me they would think I was a stalker.

"Sakura-chan?" a soft voice appeared voice suddenly spoke. I turned myself around to be facing a pale-eyed ravenette. My best friend, Hinata.

"Oh, hey Hinata." I said, confused.

"What are you doing here?" We asked at the same time, which made them laugh.

"N-Naruto-kun asked if I c-could come over.." Hinata shyly stated with a blush covering her face, causing me to start squealing.

He's definitely developing feelings for her!

"Hinata-chan, is that you—Sakura-chan!" Naruto suddenly burst through the door and jumped at me, wrapping his arms around me. Sudden guilt filled my stomach. I looked over at Hinata. She was staring at the ground awkwardly.

I pushed the blonde off me and said goodbye to him. He needs Hinata, not me.

I rushed myself over to the storage closet and put on cleaning gloves. Time for glorious work.

I made my way over to Naruto's room first and was surprised that other then a couple of crumpled up pieces of paper and an instant ramen cup thrown to the side, the room was pretty clean for Naruto. After cleaning up his mess, I made my way towards Sasuke's room next. I reached for the doorknob but was hesitant when I heard a noice coming from the room.

It was the sound of a piano.

Sasuke's POV

I closed my eyes as my fingers danced over the black and white keys. This was all I needed these days.

The song I was playing was a song Itachi played for me a bit before he passed away.

I sighed as the door opened. I knew who it was without even having to look at her.

"That was really..beautiful." Sakura told me while staring down at her feet shyly. I felt myself internally smiling at this.

"You need to clean my room, right?" I asked the pinkette as I got up from the piano stool. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.

"Hinata-cha-an! You like someone?!" I heard a voice come from the kitchen.

This baka. How dense is he really?

"N-No I never said that—"

"Yeah you did!" Naruto exclaimed again. "C'mon tell me!"

I rolled my eyes at this and walked myself towards the living room. I lay back on my sofa and stared at the black TV. I was able to see my reflection through it.

That face...

That face belongs to someone who's love of his life forgot about...

That is a face of someone who came all the way from Suna just to meet his love of his life again.

That face belongs to me.

I stared up and noticed Itachi's armchair at the corner of the room. I smiled as I remembered the times he sat on it, reading some perverted novel of somewhat. I stared at the bookshelf it was placed next to.

So many books...I got up and stroked the spines of the many books when my hand stopped at a book titled 'Journal'. My eyes widened as soon as I saw this.

A million thoughts immediately ran through my head.

But the one that stood out was "Take it". I grabbed for it and took it out of the bookshelf.

I turned around and placed my hand over the ink black cover that read "Journal of Uchiha Itachi". A sudden burst of curiousity filled me. I turned around to see if there were any more books like this when I noticed...

The bookshelf wasn't there.

What the— I just saw it a minute ago—"

My eyes widened as I noticed the bookshelf was open like a door would be. There was a large hole in the wall. Big enough for me to fit through.

I stared at the diary in my hand and back at the hole in the wall. I heard Naruto and Hinata in the kitchen laughing.

Well, only one thing to do.

I climbed in.

So the next few chapters might take a while to come out since I have ELA and Math exams starting next week 😭
But I'm gonna try working on the next chapter as much as I could because I wanna finish this book maybe before summer vacation?
And for me, that starts at the end of June so..yeahhh.. I have a while but I'm going to seriously work hard on this book.
But hey!
I have two books to recommend!
•Behind The Scenes • A Jimin Fanfiction by starlit_tuki
•Midnight Memories by TheGlorifiedMessesSquad published on baekfordaes


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