Chapter one: We become gods.

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Chapter one:


After all that had happened, I know what Luke meant. To be a pawn of the gods. They ignore you, until they need you to do their dirty work. Now I finally understand where Luke's anger was coming from.

I mean, look at Percy. He saved the gods like, 19 times, and how do they repay him? By telling him that he is too strong, too powerful, and that he needs to be destroyed. Real nice of the gods, don't ya think?

I can't believe that the gods had ordered us to be killed, and only 4 of them said that we needed to live. And something told me that our parents hadn't voted for us to live.

On top of that, we were replaced, by idiots. Percy and Jason have been dumped, and the whole camp hates us. Did I mention that I hate my life and the gods? Did I say that yet?



"Thalia! Wake up." I groaned and opened my eyes to a blonde staring down at me.

"Hey Jason." He smiled and turned towards my cousins.

"She's awake." Percy turned around.

"Hey sleep beauty! How was your a hundred years of sleep?" I glared at him.

"Shut it Kelp Head." He smirked at me. Then he turned towards Nico.

"Where are we Nico?" Nico frowned.

"In a cave somewhere. But I don't know where."

"But I do." A voice said. We all looked at Percy.

"What?!" He insisted. "It wasn't me."

"No, it wasn't Perseus. It was me. And I am here to solve all of your problems."

We looked around the cave. There was no one there but us.

"Who are you!" Jason yelled, pulling out his sword.

"Yea! You better leave us alone before we unleash our demigod powers on you!" Percy said, pulling out Riptide. Nico and I copied him, pulling out our weapons as well.

"Do not worry. I am not here to hurt you. I only wish to help you unlock your full powers."

All of us stopped. What did he mean, unlock our full demigod powers? Percy, being the Kelp head that he is, voiced our thoughts.

"What do you mean, 'unlock our full powers'?" The voice chuckled.

"What I mean Perseus, is that the gods have been lying to you. They say that you have only certain amounts of power, that you can only live so long. But I have a proposal for you."

We looked at each other.

"What's the catch?" I asked. There is always a catch.

"The "catch" is that you have to live forever, and while I'm training you, you have to do whatever I say. Do you agree?"

"Yes. I agree." Jason said.

"I agree." Nico said.

I looked at Percy. He nodded.

"We agree."

"Good. Now, you need some god names."

"Uhh... God names?" Jason questioned.

"Yes! You know like Zeus God of the sky, stuff like that."

"Oh." Really? We have to have God names?

"Let's see. Ah! Yes! I have a perfect one for you my boy!" The voice seemed to be talking to Nico. Or, at least, I don't think it was talking to me.

A finger of shadow can out of no where and pointed at Nico.

Guess I was right.

"All hail Nico Di'Angelo, God of the Shadows, King of Nightmares." Nico nodded.

"I can live with that." The finger that was pointing at Nico, dissolved, and went straight into Nico. Nico gasped, and fainted.

"Nico!" We rushed to his side.

"What did you do to him!?" Percy demanded, gripping Riptide in his hands.

"He will be fine. Now, a name for you Perseus." The voice thought for a moment. That's when Nico woke up.

"Nico!" We cried.

"Umm...... Hey guys. Did something happen while I was out?" We laughed. Nico just looked plain confused.

"I got it!" The voice interrupted.

"All hail Perseus Jackson, The God of Currents and Changes!" The voice sounded pleased with it self. Once again, a finger appeared out of no where, and went straight into Percy. He fainted just like Nico did.

Jason and I rushed to his side, when Nico stopped us.

"Stop! His powers are only settling. Leave him be."

We looked at Nico. He nodded. The voice spoke up again.

"Jason, my dear boy. You will be Jason Grace, God of Electricity, King of the Air. And you Thalia." A face came out of nowhere to look at me.

"You will be Thalia Grace, Goddess of Storms, Queen of the winds."

And then everything went black.

I will always remember how the power felt, running through my veins. Let me tell ya, it felt awesome. Imagine the best feeling in the world. Now times that by 100000000000. You still don't know how good it felt. Well, you sorta do, but not quite.

Ever since that day, we have trained with the voice. That's what we call it. The voice, or Father. It depends. Oh, and did I forget to mention?

That was five years ago.


So a special shout out to my friend @Halfbloodrulez. She helped me with the names. All but Nico's. That one I came up with. But yea, half the credit goes to me, and the other half to her. But :) they are gods now!! Yeah!!! So, now, they are gods and equivalent to their old parents. So keep reading!!!


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