Chapter nine: We run away

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Chapter nine:

Zeus's words rang in my head.

"Sally Jackson was killed when Percy Jackson was killed."

"Sally Jackson was killed when Percy Jackson was killed."

"Sally Jackson was killed when Percy Jackson was killed."

And he didn't care. He didn't care. He didn't give sh!t about Sally.

I glared at Poseidon.

"HOW COULD YOU!!!" I screamed. And he responded with,

"It had to be done." I couldn't believe him.

"You didn't give sh!t about her did you?" He froze. I exploded.

"I bet, you your little messed up godly mind, when you saw my mother, you thought, Oh! look! Another mortal! Why don't i, oh, I don't know, knock her up, and LEAVE HER!!!" And he did nothing.

"You know what? Percy isn't dead. He's right here." I pointed to myself.

"And you, KILLED, AND INNOCENT MORTAL, BECAUSE OF HER SON!!!! Who isn't dead." I yelled.

Zeus pulled out his thunderbolt. He aimed it at me. And he let go.

But there's a reason why I love my sister.

She grabbed the bolt.

"As Percy's sister, I can't let you do that." She stated. Zeus glared at her.

"How DARE you!! I, am Zeus, God of..."

"Yea, Yea, Yea. I know." She interrupted.

'Lets go.' I thought spoke. My siblings nodded.

I let go another earthquake. Nico (I LOVE his shadow powers) made another vehicle out of shadow. We rode into the night, with three thundering gods behind us.


We stopped at some restaurant. Of course, Jason, being Jason, freaked out when we stopped.

"WHAT NOW!!" Thalia slapped him.

"OW!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it guys! You act like you've never run away before." I said. They went silent. Jason raised his hand.

"I've never,.."

"Shut up Jason."

"Will do."

Nico looked at me from under his sun glasses.

"Do you have a plan?" I thought for a moment. Zeus killed my mother. And knowing him, he probably killed Paul too. He needed to pay. No, scratch that. THEY needed to pay. For taking advantage of females. And using demigods for there own stupid reasons.

"Well Percy? Do you have a plan?" I looked at my brother. Not five years ago, he was my cousin.

"Yes. Yes I do."


So, I got a question. Did I have to kill Sally? Yes, yes I did. I have a plan, so it had to happen. Sorry.

Oh, and if you have any questions, please let me know. And I'm not going to tell you what Percy's plan is.

So, bye.


P.S. Don't point out my edits. Please, don't.

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