Chapter eight: The death of a loved one.

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So, I have a new name for May. It's Brooke. However, if you have some names that you would like me to use, that would be fine as well. I don't mind. I could always use some names.

Oh yea, I posted the daughter of Kronos.

If you haven't checked out Daughter of Kronos yet, (for some unknown reason.) them please, check it out.

Also, check out a new book by @NarniaHarryPercy. It's a really good book. Trust me, I've read it. Well, I helped make it. It's a joint book, by me and @Percabethisawesome. It's called Demigod/Wizard/Narnian conference.

Now, on with the story!


Chapter eight:

I don't know why my brother was acting like that. The campers always act like that. Weird. Well, at least, the times I've been here. Which isn't a lot.

I looked around for Annabeth. I was on my own for finding her. I don't know where the rest went.

Hey Thalia! Have you seen Leo?

No. Sorry.

So that's where my brother was. I think Nico was looking for that Nathan kid, and Percy was probably causing trouble.

But that's not my problem right now. I, had to find Annabeth, and find out why she dumped Percy. Daughters of Athena's are supposed to make wise decisions. Dumping Percy, was not wise decision.

I walked into the Cabin six.

"Oi! Any of you seen Annabelle Chase?" They looked at me with a bored expression. Finally, one of them came up to me.

"Hey. I'm Nicky. One, I think you mean Annabeth. Two. She's by the canoe lake." I frowned at the girl.

"Why is she by the lake? Isn't she senior camper?" Nicky shook her head.

"No. We replaced her. Now, not to kick you out, but don't you have a girl to find?" I took her message as, Not to kick you out, but get out.

"Yea, your right. I should get going." And I walked out.

'Hey thals, what ya doing?'

'Nothing Percy. What do you want?'

'Just letting you know that we were "invited" to the camp fire tonight.'

What do you mean, invited?'

'I mean, Chiron didn't have a have a choice about letting us come or not. Apparently, because we are related to the other big three, we're not welcome.'

'See you there Percy.'

I sighed and walked towards the beach. That's where I became blind.

I saw Annabeth, and Logan, making out. Yeah. I was blind. (Warning to all Percabeth fans. Do not imagine this in your head. I would also like no death threats about how you will throw me in to the underworld and what not, because I broke up Percabeth.)

"GHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"AHHHH!!!" They screamed back. Logan dosed me with water.

"Get out of here!" He yelled. I scoffed, and electrocuted him.

"Man, that felt good!" I said happily. Annabeth glared at me.

"What was that for!" She yelled.

"That, was for dumping Percy, for that nitwit." I said, as I walked off for dinner.



"Hey pe.... I mean Orion." I quickly corrected myself.

"Hey. What's up?" I grinned.

"Not much. Hey Triton. How are you?" He frowned at my happiness.

"Are you ok?" I laughed.

"Ya. I fine." I looked at my other brother.

"Hey, Luke. Are you ok?" He shook his head sadly.

"I went to see Leo today, but he wasn't acting like himself. It was weird." Percy nodded.

"Well, I don't know what to say buddy." We all shook our heads. Nico frowned.

"Hey, where are we sleeping?" We thought for a moment. Our thinking was interrupted by Chiron.

"Excuse me. I know that your new, but we normally put food in the fire, as an offering to the gods." Percy snorted.

"And why would we do that? The gods wanted our brothers and sisters dead. Why should we worship them?" Chiron froze for a second.

"I see your point." And with that, he galloped away.

"Well, that was boring...and weird."

"Yea, no kidding."



The rest of the dinner was in silence. We almost got away. That's when Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades appeared.

"Lord Zeus. What brings you here this fine evening?" Who knew Chiron could be such a suck up?

"I have sensed my daughters presence here."

"As I, my son."

"Same here." Hades added.

I looked at Percy in panic.

'What are we going to do?!' I asked.

'Im thinking!'

'Well think faster!'

I glared at him. He rolled his eyes. Zeus, being Zeus, noticed.

"Who are you!?" He thundered at Percy.

"Orion Jackson sir. Son of the God of Currents and Changes." Zeus glared at him.

"1. There is no such thing. 2. How can your last name by Jackson?" Percy raised his eyebrows while I frowned. Is Jackson really that uncommon of a last name?

"Um.... Sally Jackson, duh." Zeus frowned.

"Sally Jackson was killed when Perseus Jackson was killed." We froze.

"What?!" Percy asked. Zeus scoffed.

"Demigods. I said, that Sally Jackson was killed when Perseus Jackson was killed." Percy glare was murderous.

He turned towards Poseidon.

"You LET him kill her!!" Poseidon winched.

"You LET him kill her!!!" Poseidon nodded.

"It needed to be done."

Percy exploded.


Merry Christmas guys!

So, if you have any questions, let me know, and I would like some comments.

That's all folks! ( Looney Tunes)


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