Chapter ten: Percy's plan part one

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Chapter ten:

Percy's mom was dead. And now, he had a plan. Should I be worried?

I mean, I've heard that Percy's plans tend to get people in trouble or killed. Then again, I also heard that Athena children make smart decisions. So I could be wrong about the Percy thing.

"What's your plan?" Thalia asked. I, personally, was afraid to see what his plan was.

"Look. We were replaced. So, I think, we should get rid of them." Percy said. But knowing Percy, there was more to this plan then that.

"What's the rest?" Nico asked. Percy hesitated.

"I'll tell you the rest when we do the first part."

Yea. I think I have the right to worry.


What? Jack was cute. Don't judge me.

Anyway, after those weirdos left, (good riddance) me and Jack............ Ummm...... Yea. You get the point. (If you don't get it, just ask.)

Anyway, the next day, those same weirdos showed up.

"What could they want now?" Jack muttered.

"I have no idea. But they need to get lost." I answered. I have no idea why I felt that way. But I also felt.....,. Like they needed to stay.

"Hello idiots." Percy said. Oh yea, we realized that they were the old big three children.

"What gives you the right to call us idiots seaweed brain?" Annabeth asked. Right away, I could tell it was a bad move.

"1. Don't call me that b!tch." He growled.

"And 2. The fact that I'm a god." We stared at him.

"Yea right! Like your a god!" A random kid yelled. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Don't look." He said, and he started to glow. We looked away.

When he was done showing his true form, we all looked at him again.

"So, now that we're done with that, I have some....... Business to take care of. Can some one show me the new big three children?"

Jack sat up.

"Be careful." I whispered.

"Don't worry babe. I'll be fine." He assured. I felt like he wouldn't through.

"Right here!" Logan said, along with Nathan, Jack, and Julie. (The girl who replaced.... What was her name? Ty?)

"This is going to be easier than I thought." Thalia bragged.

"Oh yea?" Logan asked. Such an airhead.

"Um... Yea." Nico said.

"Let's just get this over with. We, challenge you, to a duel. Whoever wins stays." Jason added. What a jerk. I have no idea why I liked him.

In a small part of pipers mind.

I need to warn Jason. Jack and his friends have brainwashed everyone! I just hope that he won't do anything stupid. Or listen to Percy. Cause that would be a stupid choice.

But, meanwhile, I HAVE TO GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

Out of Pipers head, and back to the world outside, third person.

Percy lead everyone to the training area, where the battle will take place. The gods showed up, one because Zeus made them come, and two, because everyone wanted to see who would win.

The first battle, was Percy vs Logan. Everyone thought Percy was doing the battle to win back Annabeth, but Percy had a different reason.

"See ya in the underworld water boy!" Logan shot at him. Percy scoffed.

"Really? Water boy? Oh, and I think you forgot something. I. Can't. Die." Perseus stated.

Zeus, who was watching over head, was confused by Perseus statement. Wasn't he a mortal hero? Last time he checked, he was. Zeus looked over to Poseidon, to see an equally confused god, also confused by his former sons statement.

"Let the battle, BEGIN!" Chiron yelled, and the battle started.

Long story short, Perseus won. Logan, had a broken arm, and a black eye. He was also wet. Scratch that. He was soaking wet.

Next up, was Thalia, and Julie.

"So, I heard Percy calls you Pinecorn face. Mind if I use the nickname?" Julie smirked. Thalia glared at her.

"Sure, as long as I can call you princess." Thalia shot back. Thunder rumbled across the sky, and Thalia looked at her once-was father.

"Oh, shut it, drama queen." That didn't help The Lord of the sky's attitude.

Once again, Thalia won. Julie, was passed out, and smelled like something that got run over and died. Not kidding.

Next, Nico and Nathan.

"So, Natty."

"It's Nathan."

"I thought it was Natty."

"Shut it Sico!"

Hades reeled back in shock, and looked over to see if any of his brothers had noticed. Thankfully, non of them had. As hard as it was to believe, hades had wanted his son to live. However, Athena had talked him out of it. He decide to listen to her. She was, after all, the goddess of wisdom.

(No surprise here) Nico won. Natty, (or Nathan) had sadly (NOT) died in the process of this battle. Oh well!

And last, but defiantly not least, (at least, Jason) was Jason and Jack. Once again, everyone thought that Jason wanted Piper back, but Jason was just doing it because Percy had a plan. And this was part of the plan.

"So, I heard that Piper called you Sparky. Or was it Leo? Your ex-best friend?" No sooner than those words left Jacks mouth, he found himself in the air, with the son of Jupiter treating to drop him.

"You can't fly, can you?" Jason asked. Jack shook his head frantically.

"Thought so." And Jason let him drop.

Percy's plan was going perfectly. So far. They still hadn't completed part one.

"Huh. That WAS easier than I thought it would be!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Now, it's time for part one to begin!" Percy said, with an evil grin on his face.

"Perseus, what are you doing my son?" Poseidon asked. Percy turned on him.

"1. Don't. Call. Me. Perseus. 2. I'm. Not. Your. Son. Any. More." Percy said, venom in every word. Poseidon nodded, backing away slowly.

"Now. It's time to do, what we should have done, a long time ago." Percy said, pulling out Riptide, his symbol of power. Thalia, Aegis, Nico his staff and sword, and Jason, his air staff/caduse.

"Wh..... Wha.......what are you doing?" Logan asked nervously.

"Like Percy said. What we should have done, a long time ago." Nico said.

The whole camp went quiet, and the only thing you could here were the screams of those brats.

Sorry if it doesn't make sense. If you have any questions, please let me know. Please.

If you were going to get rid of some gods, who would you get rid of?

So, you know the drill. Comments, votes, follow, questions. Stuff like that.

Bye! :)

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