Chapter 6: Logan

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Thanks to @Halfbloodrulez, I can write this chapter! Thank you!

Don't forget to check out her book New life. It's a Percy Jackson fan fic!

While your at it, check out my, new book, Demigod Guardians. It's a Demigod and Rise of the Guardians crossover.

So, to recap. Check out,

New life, by Halfbloodrulez,


Demigod Guardians, by me!

Now, on with this story!


Chapter 6: Logan

No. I didn't have Jack hurt Leo. We just needed his help. And, trust me, he won't be getting out anytime soon.

"What's the plan again?" I sighed. This was the fifth time I had to tell Nathan this. He needed to work on his listening skills.

"Look. We already know that the "gods" think that those other big three are too strong. And we already conceived them that they needed to be killed. So, now we need to make them feel unwanted. Get it now?"

H nodded. Then frowned.

"So, what are we going to do?" I groaned.

"Just stay here." I said, as I walked up to the perfect victim. Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, and girlfriend to Percy Jackson. The perfect target.

"Hey beautiful. How's it going?" She glared at me.

"Logan, you know I have a boyfriend, who just happens to be your brother." I smiled.

"I know." And I kissed her. The best part? She kissed me back.

"So, when are you going to dump my brother?" I asked. She punched me.

"Never." She started to walk away. I stopped her. I can't let my prey get away.

"Fine. Let's do this the hard Princess." She glared at me, but not before I threw some powder in her face. She coughed and blacked out.

"Perfect." I said. Then I laughed evilly. Only one more step to wiping those big three out. And one more step to ruling this pathetic camp.


Sorry about it being short. It was just a filler.

I got a question, if the voice was going to be Chaos. Well the answer is no. Sorry. It will be someone else. Or no one at all. You are just going to have to wait to find out.

Cheers! :)

P.S. Remember. New life by Halfbloodrulez,


Demigod Guardians by Me! :)

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