Chapter 12: Percys plan part 2 (part 2 of 3)

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Chapter 12:
Third person

The gods looked at Nico in shock.

"You can't kill a god, you pesky mortal!" Zeus shot at him. Jason sighed.

"Yo, drama queen? Weren't you listening? We're not mortals, we're gods!" Zeus glared at him, and mumbled something about Roman scum.

"On the bright side, not all of you will be dying. There are a couple of gods/goddess that we have chosen to join in Percy's plan, if they please." Thalia said.

"And who are they?" Apollo asked. Percy smiled.

"Don't worry bro. Your one of them." Apollo faced glowed with happiness. (And I mean that figuratively this time.)

Nico cleared his throat.

"The gods/goddess that have been chosen to live are..." He paused for a dramatic affect.

"Hermes." The god of messengers let out a sigh of relief. He was going to live.

"Apollo." The god of the sun grinned.

"Artemis." The goddess nodded.

"But I still hate boys." She added. Jason shrugged.

"Fair enough." Nico cleared his throat again.

"And Hestia." The goddess smiled her warm smile.

"Thank you." Percy smiled.

"Your welcome Hestia." Now, meanwhile, the other gods were looking at each other in shock. They were going to die/not die.

"Why aren't you keeping me?!" Percy and Jason turned their gaze to looked at the goddess of love.

"When you said you were going to make my love life interesting, I didn't think you would go this far. That's why we're not keeping you." Percy glared at the goddess. She gulped.

"Oh. Right." Percy rolled his eyes. Thalia, however, smiled.

"Now, it is time for the main event!" Her brothers smiled.

The four gathered around the gods who were to be punished. Thalia and Jason stepped up first.

"Zeus. You are no longer the King of the gods. You have been released of your power, and will spend the rest of eternity in Tartarus until you fade from existents. And it will happen." Zeus's eyes widened with fear.

"Bye bye." Thalia and Jason said at the same time, as they swung their sword through the gods body. He instantly vanished into gold dust.

Percy was next. He did the same thing Thalia and Jason did to Zeus, but he speech was a little different.

"Poseidon. You are in longer the King of the sea. You have been released of your power, and will spend the rest eternity in Tartarus, with some weird punishment that Tartarus has the pleasure of coming up with. Bye bye!" As soon as Riptide made contact with the god, he vanished into gold dust.

Nico was up next. Once again, his speech was different.

"Hades. You are no longer the god of the underworld, however, you will stay in Tartarus with your brothers. That is your punishment. To stay with your brothers for all eternity, trapped in Tartarus." Hades eyes widened with fear. Everyone knows that he hates his brothers and their constant fighting.

(A/N I'm gonna save you the trouble and not write down all of the gods banishing. But don't worry. You will find out their punishments in the last chapter.)

When all the gods were banished, (you know, the ones that weren't allowed to stay) Percy looked at the frightened demigods.

"Don't worry." Percy said.

"You all get to live." The demigods let out a sigh of relief. They get to live!

"We just have one thing to ask." Nico said. The demigods paled.

"Will you join our army/family?"

So, that was my plan all along guys!

Hermes, Artemis, Apollo, and Hestia got the most votes to live. So, they get to live.

In other news, this story is coming to an end. Only a couple more chapters before it's over. I think there's like, two more. I hope you guys enjoyed this story.

I posted three new books. Please check them out. The three are,

Percy in Wonderland

My Uncle Tony (the summery)


Dead Heroes Never Stay Dead for Long.

So, please, check them out.

And remember, sadly, that this story is coming to an end. :'(

Bye! :)

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