Chapter 11: Percys plan part two. (Part one of part two)

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Chapter 11:
Third person once again

Percy Jackson stepped away from his replacement looking satisfied. Nico, Thalia, and Jason did the same. Part one of Percy's plan was completed. Now, for part two, and three.

Percy Jackson turned around to see a mix of shocked campers and gods. It had never struck them that Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus, will kill someone. Much less, his brother.

"Percy....... What have you done?" Chiron looked at his former student in shock. This was not the Percy he remembered.

"Um... What's it look like. I made them pay for ruining my life. And now." Percy turned to the gods.

"It's your turn." The gods looked at each other in confusion.

"What do mean by that Perseus?" Poseidon asked. Thalia sighed.

"Gods have bad memory." She muttered, as her brother walked up to his former father and put his sword to his throat.

"I told you not to call me Perseus." He hissed. Poseidon nodded.

"I'm sorry for my mess up...."Percy glowed with rage. (Literally, he was showing his true form)

"SORRY!! Were you "sorry" when your son had to be killed?! Were you "sorry" when Sally was killed? Well, here's a news flash for ya. It's to late to be sorry." Nico walked forward to Percy, and muttered something in Latin*. Percy nodded.

"Look, I'm not here to yell at you. Thalia, do you want to go first?"


"Thalia, do you want to go first." I looked at my brother.

"Sure, why not." I pulled out my sword and Aegis. I walked up to the Drama Queen of gods. Zeus.

"Hello father." I spat. He glared at me.

"You are no daughter of mine." I nodded in agreement. Zeus gave me a confused look.

"Your right." I said cheerily. Now everyone when giving me a confused look.

"I'm not your daughter. But, I'm still going to make you pay for getting rid of me." Zeus gave me yet another confused look. I groaned.

"You idiots are slow! Don't you get it!" We all turned to Nico.

"We're going to kill you!"

So, I need a list of gods to get rid of, and a list of the ones who will stay. Vote for the gods you think should go, (the big three are already going) and vote on the ones you think should stay.

*i chose Latin because I didn't think the greek gods knew Latin. After all, they are greek.

In other news, I'm have more ideas for books! The first one, will be called,

Dead Heroes Never Stay Dead For Long.

It's going to be a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter fan fic, were they have to work together to bring the dead heroes back to the underworld. But not everyone wants them to go back. Harry's parents came back from the dead, and same with Leo's mom. Will they let the heroes go back to where they belong, or will they stay on earth, and cheat death?

The next one is called,

My Uncle Tony.

This is a Piper McLean fan fic, but don't worry, Percy is in it as well. This is about how Pipers friends find out that she's related to the Tony Stark. Piper and her friend get thrown into the world Avengers and S.H.I.E.LD., and it's up to them to help the Avengers save the world. And much to Annabeth's dislike, that means getting along with Tony, which she hasn't been doing. (Oh, and FYI, Tony knows that she and her friends are demigods.)

So tell me which one you think I should write! :)

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