Chapter 5: Leo

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Chapter 5: Leo

In a tiny part of Leo's mind....................


I. Miss. Jason.

No, I don't know why Piper dumped him. He's the Son of Jupiter for Pete's sake! I will never understand organic life forms. Thank for the character trait dad! {Taken from the lost hero}

I hate that Jack kid. Honestly, he was a jerk. He broke my machines!

______________Flashback starts______________________

"Hey! Hephaestus kid!" I turned around. Oh yay! It's Jack, I thought sarcastically.

"It's Leo. Leo Valdez."

"Yeah, whatever." And that's when I started hating him. Or about anyway.

"What do you want Zach?" I emphasize the Zach part. He glared at me.

"Watch it. My dad's Zeus." I laughed.

"My two best friends are the sons of Zeus and Poseidon! And his sister is also the daughter of Zeus. And I'm on pretty good terms with the son of Hades if I do say so myself. You think I'm afraid of you?"

He glared at me.

"Never mind. Anyway, I need your help." I looked at him and laughed.

"Me?! Help you? You have got to be kid...... Oh. You were being serious." I said awkwardly.

"No....... Ya think?"

"What do you want Zach?" He glared at me once again.

"It's Jack. And I want you to help me and my friend get girls." Was he serious? He wanted my HELP?! Getting girls!

"Dude, I think your lost. The Aphrodite cabin is over there." I pointed.

"Yea. So?"

"So...., I'm a Hephaestus kid. Which means I have no people skills. And no girl skills. Trust me. If you want help getting a girl, go to them."

I started to walk away. He stopped me.

"Look. Your going to help me, or you will pay." He voice was dangerously low. But I ignored him.

"Or what?" I said, willing myself to catch on fire. He laughed evilly. He threw my project at me.

"Hey!" He laughed again. And I'm not kidding. His laugh was like, son of Hades scary! Or close to there.....I've never heard Nico laugh....

"This." And everything went black.

_____________________flashback ends____________________________________

And now I'm stuck. In my own head, with no way out. It's sad really. You know how I was possessed by that eidolon? Same thing. It's like a dream, but I can't see what I'm doing. All I know is, that it have to break out, and warn the camp.

Did I mention how much I miss Jason?


Will Leo ever get out?

*Dramatic music*

Bye! VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, and keep reading! ;)

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