Chapter 4: We torture SOME campers

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Chapter 4: Percy

It took all of my strength not to strangle Annabitch. Yes, that's what I'm calling her now. You like?

So, just to fill you in, when I announced that I was a god, father comes along and ruins the fun! It's so unfair! Then we had to chose "fake names" for our selves and there's no fun in that! Why is being a demigod no fun?!

So, I chose the first thing that popped into my head. Because I'm Percy of course.

And what came to mind?

Orion. Orion Jackson. Brother to Percy Jackson.

"So, I assume that your the son of Poseidon?" Annabitch said. Whoops, I mean Annabeth. Wait, what am I saying? No I don't!

"Why would you think that? I thought Athena children are supposed to be smart. I guess your a dud."

She glared at me. I snickered.

"Anyway, I'm the son of the god of Currents and Changes."

She frowned. I looked at Nico.

'Hey, Nico! Do you want to torture some Athena kids for me?' Nico looked at me.

'Sure?! Why not?' I laughed. Oh god, I sounded like Hades and Dyionus. That is not good.

Nico walked forward.

"My father is the a god of Shadows and King of Nightmares. I am a good friend of Percy, and he asked me to give a "gift" to the children of Athena." If only Athena was here to.....

Nico pulled out a blanket. Let me just say, its not a blanket. It's a fabric of shadows, and he can form anything with it. Just...don't use it as a blanket. I learned that the hard way.

"Now, because my father is the King of Nightmares, I know what you are all afraid of. Like, for example, the spawn of Athena."

They glared at him. He glared back.

"Are afraid of spiders." Annabeth paled. Which was amusing to watch. (Did I just sound like Hades, the guy who enjoys torturing demigods? NOOOOOOOOOO)

"Triton...??? What are you doing???"

"Simple. Bring out your worst fear." In a instant, Arcane, queen of spiders appeared. The Athena kids screamed in panic. That's when Logan showed up and ruined the fun.

He sliced Arcane in half, having her disintegrate in to dust.

Aww........ I thought. He ruined it.

"Hey! You! Triton! Get down here so I can make you pay!" Um.....Nico wasn't standing on a hill...

'Percy, you owe me big time for this.'

'Don't worry. I have a better idea.'

"So. You must be Logan. Son of Poseidon if I'm not mistaken. Am I right?"

"Yea. What's it to you weirdo?"

"Well, I figured you must know my brother. Goes by the name of Percy Jackson?" He snorted.

"Oh. That wimp. Yea, the gods wanted him dead. He was such a wimp running away like that." I growled.

"He was NOT!! Percy Jackson was a HERO!! Your the one who is a wimp." I was ticked. How could that idiot say that I was weak?

'Nico. Show him what he's afraid of.'

'Got it.'

"As you know, I can make nightmares. Now, son of Poseidon, what are you afraid of?"

"I fear nothing prince of nightmares!" Oo, nice nickname.....I should mention that later.

"Oh really? Well my dad says other wise." Thats a weird sentence coming from...someone without a Dad....sort of....ow, my brain.....

Triton/Nico held up the blanket. You will never guess what came out.

I did. A shadowy, Percy Jackson duplicate came out of the blanket.

"Your afraid of Percy?!?" Thalia asked.

"Your afraid of ME?!" I asked. Then I realized what I had said. But lucky for me, nobody noticed. They were to busy wondering why he would be afraid of a dead camper.

"It must be broken!" Logan insisted.

"It's not broken. Logan, son of Poseidon, you are afraid of Percy Jackson, a dead camper."

You should have seen his face.

And I so wish I had a camera.


Sorry it's so sucky.

Now, because there was two choices left, you have to choose.

A. Be a jerk to everyone for backstabbing him

D. Be nice to everyone but the 4 that replaced them, and Annabeth and Piper.

Again, sorry about it being sucky.

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