Chapter 2: Returning to camp.

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Chapter 2:


"Oh come on Jason! You can go faster than that!" Percy said, dodging my attacks.

It had been five years since the gods had threatened to kill us. Those five years were the best. Father had adopted us all, so now Percy and Nico instead of being my cousins, they were now my brothers. And I was "training" with a certain god of changes.

Percy, (as much as I hate to admit it) was the hardest of us to beat. Because he is the god of changes and currents, he adapts quicker. Which sucks.

" Come on slowpoke! Move faster!" Percy was right. I could go faster. I made my self invisible.

"Hey! Where did you go?" Percy spun around. I laughed. Thalia was right. He was a Kelp head.

I crept up behind my brother. Right when I was about to tag him........

"My children! Please, gather around."

Aww.. I thought to myself. I just about to tag Percy. I made myself visible again. Percy looked at me.

"So that's where you were!" Percy exclaimed. Thalia laughed.

"Now that you are not training, you may show your true forms." We nodded. Let me just say that I look the best.

"You may also take out your symbol of powers." We nodded again.

Percy, (don't tell him I said this) looked like a teenage version of his dad. If you know what Poseidon looks like, then you know what he looks like. Just Percy was more relaxed. He wasn't super tense, or waiting for a war to happen. And he listened. Most of the time at least. His symbol of power just happened to be Riptide. The name just fit. That, and Percy wouldn't take another weapon.

Thalia, looked the same, just with grayish wings (She got over her fear of heights). She has a silver bow and and her shield of lighting and storms, Aegis. At least that's what I think the greek name is. I'm not sure. But, anyway Aegis was her symbol of power.

Nico, is the scarcest of us all. Being the King of nightmares, in full form, he turns into what ever you are afraid of. He wears sunglasses, because he killed an old lady when she looked him in the eyes. So now he wears sunglasses. His wings are pitch black, like shadows. His symbol of powers is his sword, and and a staff made of shadows. He made the staff.

And last, but not, least, me. I know have black hair, like me brothers and sister do. I have bright gold wings, and normally i wear shorts and a t-shirt. Or a sweater too. My symbol of power is a air staff, like Hermes caduse, only without the snakes.

"My dear children, I have some troubling news. And I fear what your reactions may be."

'What could he want?' Percy asked. Our father gave us mind links, so we can talk to each other.

'Don't know.' I responded. What could our father want?

"My children, Camp Half Blood needs your help."



"I can't believe that we are helping those back stabbing traitors!" Percy said. We were on our way to camp. Thalia and I were flying, and Percy and Nico were riding Pegasi. Nico's made of shadows, and Percy's kept changing of course.

"Neither do I." I responded.

"Why should we help them? They stabbed us in the back!" Nico exclaimed.

"If I have to help those back stabbing PUNKS after what they did to us, I swear I'm going to SCREAM!"

"Is it just me, or did Thalia just sound like Clarisse?" Percy asked jokingly. Thalia looked like she wanted to blast him out of the sky. The clouds over head began to rumble.

"Hey, Thalia, queen of storms, lighten up over there." Nico said, looking nervously at the sky. Thalia relaxed. A little.

"Hey look! We're here!" I cried out, hoping to stop a fight between them.

Man, I should have never pointed it out.



We landed in front of Thalia's pine. You know that big tree in the front? Yea, that one. Percy suggested that we don't go in camp in our true form, so we don't scare them. I have to admit, that was a good idea on Percy's part.

We shifted into normal form, the form that we were before we became gods. It's been a while since I have had blonde hair. And Nico looked slightly less scary.

"Well....... Let's go." I said, breaking the silence.

When we got into camp,we were again greeted by those idiots, but this time they had a girl with them.

"Who are you?" The girl asked. Before I could say anything, Percy raised the ground, so he was high in the air, getting everyone attention.

"I am Perseus Jackson, God Currents and Changes! Bow before me weaklings!"

Oh god. I thought to my self. This is going to be horrible.


Hello again! Are you happy I updated? I bet your happy I updated.

I have a question for you. Should Percy be:

A. A jerk to the campers for backstabbing him

B. Be nice and forgiving

C. Be nice to everyone but Annabeth and Piper.

D. Be nice to everyone but the 4 that replaced them and Annabeth and Piper.

What do you think? I would like your comments!!!

Also, should Nico, Thalia, and Jason acted the same way?

Thank you for reading. I will update soon!!

P.S. Thank you @Halfbloodrulez!


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