Chapter 7: Somethings not right

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Chapter 7:


I looked around the camp. They were all whispering about how Logan was afraid of his own brother, a dead camper. But they seemed...... Off.

"Hey Thalia. Do these campers seem a little off to you?" She frowned.

"No. Why?"

"Just wondering."

I don't know why I felt that way, but it didn't seem right.

I looked around for Leo. (A.N. A won. Don't worry, they will be a, you just have to wait.) It's been 5 years since I've seen him, and I wanted to know how he was doing. See if he got any taller, (which I doubt) see if he has a girlfriend (which I highly doubt) and see if he hates Jack as much as I/Luke do.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked. I glared at him.

"Non of your business. Now, I suggest you walked away, before I have Triton give us a little "show""

He gulped and ran off.

Nice job Jason, I thought to myself. Now to find Leo.



Good news. I found Leo. Bad news.

He wasn't Leo.

I had walked into the Hephaestus cabin, and asked Harley were he was. He shrugged.

"How should I know? Leo never tells us anything these days. I think Jason leaving took a toll on him."

I frowned and walked outside. Leo couldn't like me that much, could he? I asked myself. I willed my self into the air. Still couldn't find him.

"Hey Perc, ya seen Leo?"


"What about you Thalia?"

"Not at all."


"Sorry. No."

I groaned. My old best friend was missing. I used my powers to sense where he was. I felt fire.

"So that's where he is." I muttered.

He was at the Aphrodite cabin. Go figure.

I walked up to him.

"Hey, your Leo, right?" He looked at me. Remember short Hispanic boy Leo, with machine oil in his hair? Yea. No. That's not what I saw. Imagine Leo, clean, without his tool belt. Ya. Weird right?

"Yea. What's it to you?" He asked harshly. I did a double take.

"Umm.... Well, my brother Jason, spoke highly if you, and I wanted to meet..... You." I finished lamely. He snorted.

"Well, I'm not giving you an autograph if that's what you want kid. Now shoo, I have better things to do." He continued talking to an Aphrodite girl.

I walked away, slightly crestfallen. Leo wouldn't say something like that. That's when it hit me. Leo wouldn't say something like that!

"Hey Perc. We need to talk."

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