Chapter 3

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Marinette ate her fruit salad and glared at Adrien the entire time. "I read that if we want the baby to be healthy you have to eat healthy." He smiled.

"But cookies!" Marinette whined again and then drank her water. There was a knock on the door. "Did you invite anyone over?" She grew worried. Only her parents knew. But Nino knew and Adrien and him planed this while they tried to fix the camera at his photoshoot.

"Yeah Nino and Alya. Hope you don't mind." Adrien smiled.

"But they don't know! How'll I explain this to them!"  She gesture to her put out abdomen.

"You're holding in a fart." Marinette glared at him while he laughed.  "Tell them the truth. It's only fair. They're our best friends."

"Fine."  Marinette sighed and ate the rest of her fruit salad as Adrien got the door. Nino and Alya hugged him as Marinette raided the kitchen looking for cookies.

"You won't find any." Adrien laughed as he walked into the kitchen with Alya and Nino trailing behind.

"Why?" Marinette whined.

"You ate them all last night." He chuckled as she groaned, not seeing Alya and Nino behind him. She stood up straight and Alya gasped when she saw her bump.

"Your pregnant!" Alya exclaimed and ran to Marinette. She froze, not sure of what to do or say. "Why didn't you tell me!"

"In fear that you'd hate me. We are really young." Marinette sighed and Alya hugged her, being very careful of the first child she was going to spoil.

"I would never hate you! But I do have a condition." Mairnette gulped. "I can spoil this child and I'm the godmother."

"Okay." Adrien sighed and Nino shook his head.  "Do you have a condition Nino?"

Nino tapped his chin. "Godfather." Adrien and Marinette nodded.

"Auntie Alya and Uncle Nino are here to help!" Alya smiled and they laughed. Marinette soon stopped and threw up in the kitchen sink. Adrien sighed and rubbed her back.

"She does this every morning. The doctors say it's because her body is getting used to the baby." Adrien sighed and Nino and Alya nodded. Alya was about to say something while pulling out her phone.  "No you can't tell the class."

"Why not!" She whined.

"Because it would be...weird. Besides we're not even a class anymore, we're just high school friends." Marinette wiped away some throw up on her chin and Adrien gave her a mint.

"But with my excellent detective skills I found out that we're all going to the same college!"

"But we won't all be in the same classes or have the same schedule." Adrien crossed his arms. "Besides we can't even go to college."

"Why the hell not!" Nino leaned against the wall.

"The baby."

"I don't mean to be a downer but college should be your number one priority. Maybe you should."  Nino inhaled sharply. "Maybe you should abort."

"That's a living being growing in her and you think they should end its life before it even starts!" Alya raised her voice then thought about it. "Well actually you do have a point."

"Thank you."

"Seriously. You guys are 18, you can't even drink yet. College should go before taking care of a baby and having one." Alya crossed her arms.  "And Marinette already got accepted to the college of her dreams!"

"So was everyone else who applied." Marinette mumbled.

"All we're saying is that maybe abortion should be in mind."  Nino shrugged his shoulders then checked his phone.  "Me and Alya have an errand to run for her mom. Later."  Nino and Alya left the two to think about it. Marinette sat on the couch, her hands over her bump.  Adrien sat next to her and she got deep in thought about it.  Maybe they should abort the baby.

"M-maybe we should." Marinette broke their half hour silence. Adrien looked at her. "We're barley even 19 and I really liked the college I was going to and if I show up on the first day with a belly as big as Jupiter everyone will think I'm easy."

"But haven't you always wanted a family?"

"Yeah but not like this." Marinette bit her lip. "All I'm saying is that it's an option we should keep in mind."

"We can go on online colleges." Adrien didn't want to lose the baby.

"But I want to interact with people."

"And you can." Marinette pursed her lips at Adriens comment and glared at him. "Okay you can't but do you really want to lose the baby?"

"Not really but it should just be an option." Marinette sighed. "Why don't we sleep on it and talk to my parents about it. They are my qualified for this type of thing."

"Yeah okay." Adrien nodded. "We should go to sleep and talk to them tomorrow."

"Okay." Marinette smiled. They walked into the bedroom and went to sleep.


Okay I know this sucks so far and you guys want drama and that shit


You'll get it soon.

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