Chapter 29

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She fumbled on her words. "Come on Bugaboo." He took her hands on his. "I won't be upset. Purromise."

Marinette laughed lightly at the pun but in her mind she was still going back and fourth. "I-I-I-I-I." She couldn't find her words. How could she? End someone's life or slightly ruin her owns? She debated on it, a lot.

If she had the baby there would be sleepless nights, non-stop crying and her and Adrien wouldn't see each other if he took night classes and she took day classes and they would never see each other and take care of the baby together.

If she didn't then her and Adrien would probably get in fights about it, fight about not seeing each other enough, fight about each other not caring enough.

If she did then there would be an enormous amount of adorable giggles, family outings and Alya and Nino, her parents and basically the class to help them.

If she didn't then her and Adrien would go on a lot of dates, have wonderful sex, and not have to worry about their livers exploding or have a fuck to give.

But either choice had an amazing choice. Her marrying Adrien. It's been on her bucket list forever but how could they find a place to get married while having to take care of a baby? Adrien snapped her out of her daze and could tell by the look on her face, she was thinking about marriage.

"We can get married right now if you want."


"You heard me."

"But we haven't even planned it."

"Think again girl." Alya and Nino stood by the door, big smirks plastered on their faces. Nino wore a tux with a black bow tie and Alya wore a red dress with black spots on it. Her hair was curled and pulled into a side ponytail. "Your belly isn't that big, considering the month you're in, but it'll look invisible in the pictures!" She grabbed Marinettes arm and lead her out of the complex and to the bakery to get into a wedding dress.

"Did you guys plan my wedding?" Adrien laughed and looked at Nino in disbelief.

"Not me. Alya and the mothers."

"Mothers?" Adrien raised a brow and Nino rolled his eyes.

"Get into your tux and meet me in the car." He threw the tux at him and closed the apartment door and Adrien chuckled. He quickly changed and got into the black limo with Nino, Kim, Max, Ivan and Nathanael in the same tux as Nino. Adrien looked at his own outfit and saw it looked like theirs only it had a green tie instead of a black bow tie.

"Now. Where're you taking me?" Adrien chuckled.

Nino darted his eyes to the the other people in the limo and smirked. "You'll see." Adrien gulped at whatever they could be planning.

Marinette was dragged to the bakery, through the terrible amount of stairs and up to her room. ALya bursted through the trapdoor and put Marinette down on one of her spiny chairs and looked at the people in front of her. Rose, Juleka, Alix, Alya and Mylene. They started doing her hair and makeup and Marinette giggled as they tried to do it flawlessly.

"Stop laughing! I need to do your lipstick." Rose commanded.

"S-sorry." Marinette stopped giggling and thy finished her makeup and her hair. Alya helped her into her beautiful white wedding dress. The back was cut out and outlines in white lave and the bottom was flowing out behind her. Alya took a picture and showed her. The bump wasn't visible.

"And once again I'm awesome." She smiled and the girls helped Marinette downstairs and to the limo parked out front.

They all sat in the back and the driver started off to the wedding place. Marinette stared out the window. Her eyes drifted along every tree they passed as they became closer together. "Where're we going?"

"You'll see." Alya smirked as the limo stopped.

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