Chapter 25

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Marinette woke up in a soft bed.  She yawned as she sat up and was greeted with a light breeze through the window on her right. Her right? The bedroom window is on her left, where's she's closest too. She looked around the room and started to panic.  She wore a pink silk robe with a white underdress. She didn't wear them to sleep and hell, Adrien couldn't even afford the brand she was wearing with what he earned!

She stepped out of the bed and into the soft carpet below her feet. She walked out the window and closed it when the door creaked open. She quickly ducked behind the body length mirror and held her breath as the door closed. She just ruined her chance of escape. "Marinette?" She knew that voice and shivered.  Did she even end it with him? "Marinette don't hide from me. You're pregnant and could hurt the baby."

"More like you could."  She mumbled as she came out from behind the mirror. Her hand was on her output stomach and she glared at the brown haired, green eyed boy in front of her. "What do you want Tyler."

If you don't understand (didn't think you would), Tyler Rossi, Marinettes ex boyfriend from the trip to the beach house. They never met face to face, since he lived in England but grew to love each other and started dating, even though she was still deeply in love with Adrien.

"I wanted to bring you home babe." He smiled at her. She also texted and called him, a lot, while Adrien was gone.

"Bring me back to Adrien, Tyler.  I love him."

"But you also love me~" He shot her a cocky grin.

"Yeah but that was before-" she paused and darted her eyes to her bump. "Before I got pregnant."

"With your boyfriends baby."  He scoffed then laughed.  "He can just leave you after you have the baby."

"Adriens not like that. He loves me. He proposed to me!" She showed him her left hand, only to show the ring missing and she gasped. "What did you do with the ring!"

"What ring?" He lifted a brow but deep down, he knew he left it somewhere in the apartment.

"Don't play games! Give me my ring back!"

"I seriously don't know what ring you're talking about." He crossed his arms.

Marinette darted her eyes outside and bit her lip. "Where am I?"

"Why do you want to know?" She glared at him and he sighed. "You, my Sunflower, are in England." Marinette gasped and tears threaten to leave her eyes.

"Bring me back to Paris! Now Tyler!" She yelled at him as hot tears left her eyes. Adrien must be worried and so would he friends and parents. "NOW!"

"All this stress is bad for the baby. Why don't you eat somethin-"

"I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANY OF YOUR FUCKING FOOD TYLER! BRING ME BACK TO PARIS NOW!" Marinette shouted at him and Tyler took a step back.

"I'll bring you back if you calm down."

"No ifs Tyler! Bring me back to my family now!" She yelled as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

He walked up and hugged her. "When you calm down.  Stress is bad for my baby-"

"It's not your baby and neither am I!" She yelled and pushed him away. He sighed and walked to the door.

"Lower your voice baby and get some more sleep. I'll be back in a few hours to check on you and." He pursed his lips as he faced her from the door. "Don't try anything. Like you said, you know nothing about England and I don't want you to get hurt." He left the room and closed the door and Marinette crumpled to the floor in tears.


"Anything else?" Adrien shook his head. "Would you like to rerun the story just in case?"

"Why not." Adrien sighed and ran his hands through his already messy long hair that he didn't bother pulling back into a ponytail. When he went to Italy he started growing his hair out longer. "I got home at midnight after my long talk with my Fathers assistant Nathalie and hopped into the shower." He wasn't lying. After patrolling Nathalie called him to talk to him about the next step in treatment for the baby. "I got out and then got in bed and she was missing. I ran around the apartment trying to find her to find her earrings a note on the kitchen counter." Adrien looked at the police standing in front of him. He was taller then both of them. "Can you just find her already?"

"One more question, what was your relationship?" Adrien blinked and the policewoman sighed. "Why was a pregnant girl you weren't married to in your apartment and not with her parents?"

Adrien blinked as an embarrassed blush overtook his face. "We got in a fight." Sabine and Tom appeared at the door, saving Adriens ass. "We got in a fight about her being pregnant and we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye on it and we fought about it and we didn't know where she went."

"And how are you associated with Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"We're her parents." Tom answered and the police nodded and looked at Adrien, giving him the eyes that asked the same question.

"I'm her boyfriend." Adrien answered and the police glanced at each other then back to him and he groaned in his head. He guessed this would be their reaction but it was way rudder then he wanted.

"Thank you for your inputs. We'll find her." They smiled and walked off towards the kitchen.

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