Chapter 32

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The paramedics came to the rescue and helped John and Samantha out of the car and into an ambulance. Amanda ran to Adrien and hugged him. He grunted but soon blinked and looked at the girl. "Thank you! Thank you for helping them!"

She let go and he smiled at her. "It's no problem.  No little girl should have her parents taken away from her."

"I'm not little."

"But you should for as long as you can. Having your childhood taken away is not fun.  I would know."

She bought about it and smiled. "Thank you sir! I guess I can be a child I little while longer."

He smiled at her. "Now, go with your siblings to make sure your parents are okay." She nodded and ran off to the ambulance and it drove off to the hospital. Adrien smiled to himself and walked to the limo and got in.

"What happened?" Marinette asked and once again, neither noticing the privacy window opening.

"A SUV turned over and I helped someone through it."

"That's great Adrien!  Are they okay?"

"She's fine and her children are adorable." Adrien chuckled lightly. "And her husband should be okay too."

"You're amazing Adrien. You helped people when you didn't have too."

"But I needed too." He kissed her cheek. "We should get home, Mrs.Agreste." He held her hand in his.

"Okay, Mr.Agreste." She rested her head on his shoulder and soon the limo started to move. Marinette sighed happily that they weren't in the crash but still had a choice to make.

Will she keep the baby?

Okay and thank you for reading
I'll update later today

Smart ones keep scrolling here's the rest.

They got to the apartment and thanked the driver. Marinette saw the familiarities in her eyes to Adriens. Maybe she was the only one that could see she was his mother. The limo drove off and Marinette and Adrien walked into the apartment, well him carrying her. He opened the door and set her down inside.

"Welcome home Mrs.Agreste." Adrien kissed her lips and she kissed back. He closed the door with his foot and kept his hands on her hips then ran them over her bump and broke the kiss. She giggled while he made a face that was hard to describe. "Right, pregnant."

"How horny can you be." She giggled and walked to the bedroom. "I'm going to change and take a shower."

"Okay." Adrien smiled as Marinette disappeared into the bedroom. He sighed and his smile dropped as soon as she left. He sat on the couch and loosened his tie then held his head in his hands. He still needed to find a house for the two when they become three. There was a knock on the door and Adrien looked at it and groaned. He stood up and opened the door. "Hello?"

"Adrien! Dude! We have got the place for you." Nino playfully punched his chest.

"We?" Adrien raised a brow.

"Me, Alya, the crew, parents! It's legit! We found an awesome place for you and Marinette and the kid."

"I thought you didn't want us to have it?"

"Still don't but it's not my life so I don't really care right now." He shrugged. "You wanna see it right now before we buy it?"

"Can we see it tomorrow? We're kinda tired."

"Yeah sure dude. Tomorrow at noon okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks Nino." Adrien smiled at him and Nino smiled back. Adrien closed the door and walked inside the apartment and changed from his suit and into his pajamas which just were shorts. He lied down in bed and Marinette soon lied down next to him. "Night Buganette."

"Night Kitty." Marinette yawned and snuggled into his bare chest.

Our Little ChatBug. {Our Little Series 2} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now