Chapter 22

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Adrien twitched his eye.  "Marinette. Why was your hoodie at Ryan's?"

"I stay over there some times."  She nervously laughed.

"Why." He said through gritted teeth so he wouldn't explode on her and jump to conclusions.

"B-b-b-because you were gone and I like sleeping next to something warm."  She said out loud.

"What?" Adrien snapped his head to face her.

"It's nothing like that dude!" Ryan blurted out, seeing how angry Adrien was getting. "It's getting close to fall and she stays over because the heating in my apartment is good."

"Is that the truth Marinette?" Adrien grew worried that she cheated on him.

"Yes. I would never cheat on you Adrien. Plus the pancakes he makes are really good." She drooled remembering them.

Adrien took a breath of relief. "Well we should leave before the paparazzi get back." Marinette nodded and they walked out of the hospital, Adrien, Jolene, Max and Ryan making sure no one would see Marinette in case they were hiding. Marinette got in the back, in between Ryan and Max and Adrien drove with Jolene in shot gun. Ryan and Jolene tried to ignore each other, but it was hard.

They all got out and walked around Marinette like body guards and she rolled her eyes. Adrien unlocked the door and Marinette walked in after him and yawned. Jolene and Ryan didn't look at each other and you could feel the sexual tension. Max laughed at their childishness with Adrien. "You two need to work things out."

"We don't need to work anything out."

"Yeah you do." Marinette giggled then yawned with Adrien.

"We're going to go take a nap. Don't get to loud and don't break anything." Marinette and him walked into the bedroom and crawled into bed and took their long needed nap. Max had Jolene and Ryan sit down on the couch and he sat in front of him.

"Now what's the problem here? Besides you two being exes?" Max crossed his arms.

"Nothing's wrong with us." They both said to Max and he chuckled.

"Clearly." Max chuckled. "Seriously. What happened between you two?"

"She left me for her career." Ryan leaned back against the couch and Jolene gasped.

"I did not!"

"Your words were 'My job is more important then this silly thing we have going on. Bye bye!'." Ryan glared at her.

"I did not say that!" Ryan played a recording of her saying it. "Why did you record it!"

"Because I thought you were cheating on me! And you were! With my best friend!" Ryan yelled at her, then lowered his voice remembering the two sleeping people.

"I wasn't cheating on you! Brian came onto me! He kissed me and I didn't do anything! I was drugged!" Jolene kept her composer and didn't yell at him.

"Why do you keep lying to me!"

"I'm not fucking lying to you!" She shouted and Max and Ryan flinched. She never yelled. Ever. "I never fucking lied to you! I would never lie to you! Brian came onto me! He drugged me! I didn't do anything because I couldn't do anything!"

"You could've rejected the drink!"

"It's Brian! He would've forced you to drink it!" Hot tears slide out her eyes and Ryan hugged her. "No. Don't touch me. Get away." She didn't have the strength to push him away.

"I'm sorry." Ryan rubbed her back and calmed her down. He knew how to calm her down better then anyone. "I should listen to you more."

"Yes you should Cupcake." Jolene giggled and pulled away from the hug. "Do you want to try to start over?"

"Yes Sugar." Ryan kissed her forehead and she giggled. Max nodded at his work, even though he did nothing. They left a note for Marinette and Adrien and left the apartment.

Our Little ChatBug. {Our Little Series 2} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now