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"normaaaaaaaniiiii! come drink this with meeeeeee." camila looks as if she's skipping in slow motion, if that's even possible. she trips over her own feet and fall to the ground. the room is silent.

that is, until she lifts her head up with a goofy grin. she starts giggling, and that giggle turns into a full crying laugh. normani and lauren look at each other, and they both grab her armpits and drag her to the couch.

"you're gonna stay here for the rest of the night until you fall into a beautiful sleep, okay camz?" lauren pats camila's hair gently and gives her a bottle of water. she throws a blanket over camila despite her whiny protests, but in no time, camila is snoring.

no one else in the house got as drunk as camila. the second drunkest was michael, but he could still make coherent sentences and walk in a straight line without collapsing.

"let's play a game!" lauren says cheerfully. everyone agrees and we all sit in a circle on the floor. before anyone can say anything, the doorbell rings.

"is that ari?" normani asks lauren in a low whisper. lauren smiles. "should be."

the two girls walk to the door together, and lauren opens it to be met with the very pretty ariana jones.

"ari!" lauren squeals.

"lolo!" ari shrieks and she jumps in lauren's arm tightly. ari suddenly sees normani and her eyes widen.

"oh my god, mani?" ari gets down from her and lauren's embrace and slowly walks to normani.

"yeah!" normani giggles and the two girls share a similar embrace.

normani gets a look at ari. she's almost the same height as normani, but she's wearing heels so they make her just the same height. she's wearing a baby blue sweater and ripped jeans.

"why are you wearing a sweater?" normani asks with a chuckle.

ari pouts. "it was cold in my dad's house!" she laughs. "don't judge me." normani smiles at ari.

the three girls walk back into the living room and ari introduces herself. michael looks intrigued by the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

ari sits in between lauren and michael and michael looks so eager to say hello. so he does.

"hi." he says turning to ari. ari smiles at him. "hi, there! michael, right?" michael nods. "that's me."

"cool- oh my god, you like green day?" ari takes notice of michael's shirt and starts freaking out. michael's grin somehow gets bigger. "yes, they're my favorite band ever!" he says. ari gives him a heartwarming smile.

"alright, we're gonna play spin the bottle!" dinah exclaims.

"hey!" camila's voice is heard again and everyone turns to see her sitting up. "I wanna play." she says groggily. she doesn't sound or act as high as she did before, so the group lets her play.

everyone is all for it, except for ally. ally prays that whenever dinah is kissing someone, it won't mean anything. and in this game, it usually doesn't but...

luke placed his empty beer bottle in the center of the circle and spins it. somehow, it lands on lauren. everyone boos as lauren and luke crawl up to each other and have a nice kiss.

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