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i have no idea when to end this story ... should it be soon?



luke watched lauren do her last ounce of conditioning, smiling proudly at her from the top of the bleachers.

"hey, jauregui." a girl that went by the name gina snapped her fingers at lauren, who was in the middle of her crunches.

"hmm?" lauren grunted, her crunches making it harder to talk.

"your boyfriend or whoever is so whipped for you, i swear. he's been watching you with this huge smile and these glittering eyes." gina chuckled before getting back to her own crunches.

lauren smiled and she stopped doing her crunches for a split second to look at luke. and gina was right. he was sitting there, with his chin in his hand, looking at her with a goofy grin.

when luke saw that lauren was watching, he waved enthusiastically, and lauren giggled.

"dork." lauren smiled, and she did a small wave back, leaving luke with an even bigger grin, if that was even possible.

when practice was over, lauren grabbed her bag and made her way to the top of the bleachers where luke was patiently sitting.

"hi, babe." lauren sat down next to luke with a plop, tired from her excessive volleyball drills.

"hi, lolo." luke mumbled before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "i don't know why i've never watched you practice before, you're amazing. plus, you look really hot doing it, especially when your ass shakes." luke smirked at lauren, and she playfully hit his shoulder.

"get out, perv." lauren grumbled as she bent down to unlace her shoes.

"that's not what you said last night." luke smirked again and lauren rolled her eyes.

"whatever, we're meeting mani, ari, calum, and ashton at pinkberry." lauren stood up, extending her hand out to luke, which he took.

they walked hand in hand down the bleachers, and out the gym doors of their school until they got to luke's car in the deserted parking lot.

"we could always have sex in the car after your practice. because no one's here." luke chuckled.

lauren grimaced. "okay, first, i would be all sweaty and gross, and second, we're not totally alone."

"doesn't matter if you're sweaty beforehand, you sweat buckets afterwards." luke giggled before kissing lauren's cheek, her trying to dodge it.

the two got in luke's car and drove to the pinkberry calum told them to go to. when they pulled up in front of the store, lauren could see normani and ari through the glass doors.

she pushed them open, a rush of cold air engulfing her body. she trotted over to where normani and ari were standing, in front of the yogurt machines, ari contemplating on whether to get birthday cake or strawberry.

"hey, hoes." lauren barged in between them and smiled.

"look who's talking." ari snorted. lauren's mouth dropped. "i'm not a hoe!"

"i wouldn't be surprised if you told me you and luke had sex in the car just now." normani retorted.

lauren frowned. "okay, first, rude, and second, no, he didn't." lauren grumbled before grabbing a yogurt cup.

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