~(Y/n) POV~
After eating breakfast we had gone to venture out a little more with our horses that we tamed and others we found near half eaten bodies. My horse was named Franky, she was dark brown with a white belly. Travis had a black and white horse named Garret. Daisy rode a pure light brown horse named Derrick. The twins had similar black horses named Don and Donny. Sam had a pure white horse named Mystic.
With all of us bare back mounted; we rode in formation with no fear for the destructive monsters, they never really pay attention to us. We had to ride 2 hours north to a clear pasture where horses, cows, deer and many other animals ate at. It was miles by miles and in the middle was a clear blue lake. This is where we hunted and harvested food, with a small fenced area with a fruit tree, bushes and plants contained inside so no animals would get to them, this was the best place to plant things for the rich soil and sun.
"Dibs on harvesting!" The twins yell as they quicken their speed to the middle where the plants were, Daisy follows giggling. That leads the three of us to hunt for meat, which wasn't a problem since we work together better this way since the 'incident.'
Travis pulls out his bow and arrows, me and Sam pull out guns we found, we made ammo out of hard rocks and sharpened them so they do damage.
"I'll take the lead," I say to them. I signal my horse to ride toward the herds of deer and cow. They take notice and start to run, I kick the side of my horse lightly to go faster and pull up to the group of cows since the deer scattered faster. I tighten my grip on Franky with my legs so I don't fall off, Travis and Sam pull up on the sides of the herd to keep them compact.
I straighten my back and lift my gun to aim at a cow, after focusing on a certain slower cow I pull the trigger as the 'bullet' is sent out and hits the cow on the shoulder and it toppled down to the ground as the herd leaves behind the wounded one.
There's two things we do while hunting, especially cows, one is to kill for meat, another is to capture and milk. As I get off of my trusted steed, I walk to the cow and send a bullet to its head putting it out of its misery. After bending down and giving a small prayer to the cow I see Sam and Travis come with a lassoed cow.
"Good job boys, this will last us a couple of weeks. Let's get to skinning.." I say to them sending a small smile and and pulling out a machete like knife, Sam does the same and walks over to me; the cow Travis captured gets milked. He simply tied it to a tree nearby so it didn't run away before the job was done.
~Time skip to the part where there is no more cow hurting, ps no cows were killed in the making of this chapter~
Me and Sam carry bloody bags of meat. Alex, Daisy and Amber chatter with bowls of fruit and veggies, and Travis carefully carries the milk as we slowly make our way to home as its near dinner time. We station back to the tree base and tie our horses to a small house we built for them with hay and water.
"Finally, I was gonna die of starvation!" The twins say in unison.
Daisy quietly comments, "but you were eating the strawberries on the way here-" she gets cut off as they shush her. I let out a small laugh as we complete the large flight of stairs. Entering we put the stuff away and I start to make sandwiches for all of us as they go rest, but like always my faithful friend Sam stays to help me.
"(Y/n) you should go rest, I'll make them tonight," he says in his soft deep voice as he towers over my small figure with hair in his face.

Outside the Wall -Levi X Reader
FanfictionLevi X Reader Outside the wall are man eating monsters that the Scouting Legion are suppose to kill for the sake of humanity. Many die and only some survive, but what els is there outside. Deep in the woods is a secret, yet to be discovered. (Y/n)...