~(Y/n), POV~
I woke up in a strange room and in new odd looking clothes, I had white pants and a overly big grey shirt on, I stood up and noticed my head wrapped in some weird fabric, I lifted my shirt a little bit to see my stomach bandaged up too.Where was I? Where were the others?
My muscles felt sore as I got up and walked to the door, slowly opening it I exited closing it behind me and I walk down the empty hallway. My stomach empty and my legs feel like stone. I wonder around till I see a set of two doors with voices behind it. Feeling so sleepy I just stand there thinking if I should open the doors or not.
Well what's the harm~ I push open the doors and turn the handle, I see many people in the same type of clothing look up to me, they get really silent. I hear the faint rush of wind toward my body, a clenched fist was inches away from my face as I dodged and stepped to the side, the person kept trying to hit me but I was too fast for them to hit, my brain was foggy so I just let my body and instincts take the lead.
"Cadet Ackerman stand down now!" I hear a strict voice call. The attacks stop and I back up a couple feet before rubbing my eyes to get a better look on things. I see Mr.Shorty stand with my friends behind him and Erwin to his left.
Daisy run up to me and tackles my numb body into a hug. "Oh (Y/n)! I thought you were never gonna wake up! I'm glad your ok!" I pushes her off a little wincing, seeing my reaction she apologizes and backs off.
"I'm ok... I think," I say looking at my attacker, the woman I fought in the woods, her short black hair and grey eyes looked like Levi kinda, not to mention she's strong. She glares at me.
"I'm sorry Corporal Levi but I thought she was attacking us," she says lying.
Armin from the carriage steps up saying, "It was just a mistake, she entered and we didn't exactly know what to do, but no one got hurt."
"Will someone explain to me what happened? Where are we?" I ask.
Daisy answers, "We are in the Survey Corps base place, you were badly injured so we let you rest after Alex and Amber took care of your wounds. We just got back from a small tour."
I hum and sit at the nearest empty table and rub my legs in pain, "I am really sore, I entered here looking for you guys, it seems I found a little more than that," My friends walk past Levi and Erwin to me making sure no one steps too close to my injured body. Travis comes back with soup in a bowel and bread. I eat quickly and people watch. "Privacy?" After saying that they all go back to their previous conversations.
Table arrangement
Sam. Erwin
(Y/n). Levi
Daisy. Hange
Travis. Mike
Amber. Alex.
Erwin introduced his two friends, Hange, the woman in crazy brown hair and glasses, and Mike, he seemed a little weird as he kept sniffing Alex who sat next to him. "Hey! Off my friend," I say, Daisy coughs a little signaling I was a little rude, I sigh and finish, "Please, do not sniff my friend," he turns in my direction after stopping and nods."I'm sorry," Erwin says, "Mike means no harm, he just has a large sense of smell."
"It's so nice to formally meet you all!! I'm so excited!! We will be the best of friends! We can share secrets~ and party~ and do experiments! Oh I can see it now! Hahah!" Hange spouts as her cheeks get red and she drools a little. I have a feeling I'm not gonna do much of that anytime soon. But she does seem like an ok woman. "Oh!," she says, "We should hold a 'Welcome Party' tonight! Please~~Levi~ Erwin~"
They look at each other, Levi looks annoyed and Erwin smiles. "I think that's a fine idea Hange, that way they can get used to their new environment and get to know the other cadets. And this way everyone feels a little more at ease. Levi, please show them to their rooms, Hange, and Mike and I will go get stuff ready," and after that they walk off telling everyone about the new party.

Outside the Wall -Levi X Reader
FanfictionLevi X Reader Outside the wall are man eating monsters that the Scouting Legion are suppose to kill for the sake of humanity. Many die and only some survive, but what els is there outside. Deep in the woods is a secret, yet to be discovered. (Y/n)...