Meeting Them...

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I sit on the tree limb in the middle of the night since it's my turn to take watch while everyone is asleep. I took a book, which I've read 20 times over, and some fruit. Amber and I just switched so I still have a couple of hours till its time to switch again, by then it will be morning and we will have less to worry about. I don't know when they will leave or where but they give me a weird feeling, I haven't decided if it's good or bad yet, whatever it is I will not let it get in the way of my friends safe. I hate being weak infront of them. But I will stay strong and everything will be ok.

I start to sing a small song that my mother would sing to me if I couldn't wake up, I never do this when the others are around cause I don't know if my singing is good or not. I have my moments but I keep this little thing to myself. I smile as I continue the song. It's a somewhat sad song but it reminds me of the good times.
(A/n, the songs above)

Hours pass as I read my book and slowly chew on the fruit. I keep reading so I don't forget how, it is sometimes hard to read when it comes to long words but I quickly pass them. I feel a sudden heat on my body and I look up to see the sun rising, smiling I yawn and welcome the sun, "Good morning, you beautiful bastard," I say to the sun.

As it fully lights up I jump down and climb down the latter to the house. I'm grateful for my friends that don't mind my paranoia, so I decided to make them pancakes! It takes a while but I finally make enough for all of us and decide to go wake my friends. I grab a clean pan and enter the hall way that has doors leading to our rooms. Smiling and raised it up in the air I yell,  "RISE AND SHNE!" And drop the pan to the ground making a loud sounds. I hear groans coming from the doors. I pick it up and return to the kitchen.

After little bit I see Travis enter with boxers and a night shirt, Alex wearing shorts and a shirt while dragging his sister who is still wearing her purple nightgown, later comes Sam fully dressed for the day with bed head, and Daisy brushing her hair wearing clothes.

"Why~ so early~" the twins say to me as they sit on the floor and I bring their plates to them, they instantly light up and eat. I eat watching my friends eat with smiles.

Travis sits next to me against the wall and says, "I think you should try to take  a nap after this, so you get rested up as well, we don't need you passing out in the middle of flying." He jokes

"I'm fine, besides I can sleep even if I tried, I think I'm gonna go to the streams and go fishing, or maybe go on a small ride.. I really need to put this things behind me right..?" I ask unsure.

He smiles and kisses the top of my head brotherly, "It's hard but if you are willing to put it behind us, so am I."

After finishing our food I go into my room and change into a (F/c) short sleeve button up shirt and black jeans, connecting my gun to my belt and pulling up my (H/l) (H/c) up, I smile in the dusty mirror and staring into my (E/c) eyes, "It's going to be fine..." I leave and meet Sam outside remembering he wanted to go with me to the river.

We get our WD's and get set up, we jump and launch off, quickly taking flight and flying side by side toward the mountain.

~Levi's POV~
Erwin thought it would be a great idea to ride up a mountain to see what's up there, we rode at a steady pace when we saw there wasn't any Titans near this area. "Ugh!" I looked over to see Oulo bite his tong trying to talk down Eren and Armin. Brats these days. As the land started to level out I heard rushing water, "Erwin," I say getting his attention and riding off a little away, him and everyone els following.

"Good catch Levi," he says as we get off our horses and approach the stream the ground gets more sandy and rocky. It goes more up stream and we quickly examine our surrounding, "let's head up stream to see anything else," Erwin says as we grab out horses reins and walk following the stream, I see fishes poke their heads out time from time.

Later reaching a weird pond connected to the stream, "Is that a man made bath?!?! Is this soap?!" I hear shitty eyes say inspecting the weird tub. So Erwin was right about there being something else. As I look at the sky I close my eyes and listen to my sur-"Hahah," my thoughts are broken by a laughter, looking around I see no one laughing or even notice the sound. It sounded feminine and close.

I shake it off, I must be hearing things. We leave Hange and her squad there to examine it more. Walking up stream I see foot prints in the sand, "Erwin, I see footprints, fresh I'm guessing," I say to him and looking around. He nods and we spread out covering more ground.

~(Y/n) POV~
Me and Sam land and fold our wings down so we can walk with ease instead of taking them off, if we needed a quick get away from whatever. We walk a bit more up stream than usual so we have more luck with fishing. Picking up our spears we stand stead on big rocks facing down stream as we watch the fist swim up stream. "Yah!" I say and stab into the water, nothing. Sam is the first one to catch a fish, "that was all luck," I tell him seeing that smugish smile with his hair covering his eyes.

I finally catch one smiling, but it quickly disappears as I hear voices down the stream echo in the woods
Sam hearing the voices jumps back to sore with me. I drop my spear not caring if I loose my fish. "Let's run," Sam says to be quietly. He turns as I'm frozen. He grabs my arm so we aren't seen but it was too late. A large group of people look at us and their voices stop, they look at us shocked everyone but two, one with blond hair and big eyebrows smiles as he eyes us up and down. Creepy. Then another, he had Raven black hair with a cold stone expression. Just as the tall blond was gonna speak a woman pops out of nowhere having the biggest smile I've ever seen. "OH MY MARIA! WE FOUND THEM!" The glare in her glasses scares the shut out of me.

Finally snapping out of my trance I yell, "Run!" Pushing Sam forward away as I run with him I hear yelling and foot steps coming after us. We run down a trail to a clif, "Sam if you ever have needed to trust me the most, it's right now," I say as we run, he looks into my (E/c) and nods. We stop a couple feet from the cliff and turn around.

They block any exits with their large group, the blond steps forward as his green cape flaps in the wind, "Stop running, surrender peacefully and no harm will come to you," he says with confidence. I smile.

"No way in hell," I spat as I run to the edge and jump as far as I could, I head dive down and hears gasps. Opening my wings and flap them a little I fly up with Sam behind me. I hear yelling from the green army as we escape.

~Levi's POV~
Looking at the two infront of us, they have no where to go, trapped. I look at the girl, she has (H/l) (H/c) hair that glistens in the sun, her (E/c) eyes stir with unreadable emotions. The man next to her was twice her height and his dark brown hair covers his eyes as he holds ha blank expression but I feel anger and other emotions come from him.

I hear Erwin confront them on surrendering, but seeing they are somewhat armed I ready myself for anything. Like always. The girl smiles at this, her smile so pure and sweet, but words strike like venom as she talks loud enuf, "No way in hell."

For the first time in a long time I was taken by surprise, she didn't attack, she ran with her friend off the cliff diving off. Me and my squad run looking down but what shocked me more was seeing them take flight in the sky. Their wings shines in the sun as they flew off. "WINGS?!" I hear Hange say she joins in looking at them fly. Everyone yells in frustration but Erwin smirks. He was right. And he had that smirk that I knew very well, the smirk of a predator eyeing his prey. I knew we weren't gonna go back without them.

Those strangers were totally and utterly screwed.

I'm actually trying to keep up on updating! For the first time! Anyway, thanks for reading~
Word count: 1616


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