~3rd person POV~
It had been a full 48 hours since the Survey Corps have come back from an expedition, there they saw the female Titan and fought to capture it. In failure, many men died.Dead: Petra Ral, Gunther Shuiz, Oulo Bossard, Erd Gin. (And many more people but yah)
In this expedition there has been many casualties and two human-titan appearances. Two female titans, along with the already known male Titan, Eren Jeagar. One of the female titans was a recent member, (Y/n) (L/n). She was a class 13 titan with (h/c) (h/l) hair and a muscular build. Many cadets testified that she defended them from the blond female Titan and helped in the rescue of Eren Jeagar.
Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Artlert, Eren Jeagar, Jean Kristine, Sasha Brauns, Connie Spinush, Krista Heins have been reassigned to the Special Ops Squad under the ruling of Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman. (Y/n) (L/n) has been dealt with and under the same program as Eren with the Survey Corps.
(Y/n) (L/n) has yet to wake up from her coma since they have gotten back from the expedition. She is currently under surveillance at the HQ of Survey Corps.
5 days passed and by the time Erwin found a good lead. No one noticed when sleeping beauty woken from her slumber.
The (h/c) haired girl woke up in a cold sweat. Her last memories went by in a flash, she tore off her skin to her arm and her body was surrounded in heat. Remembering talking to the other Titan and having overwhelming power and control. Her powerful demanding voice. Annie was her name. She remembered now. The three children that were with them. Annie was one of them. 'How did I get here?' (Y/n) thought.She looked at her surroundings calming. She was in an infirmary. Pulling her blankets away she saw she was in a white dress shirt that went to her knees, it had small sleeves and a small symbol of the wings of freedom on the end of the left sleeve. Her hair was straight, it looked like it had been recently brushed. She had tubes in her right arm connected to her veins that led to an IV.
She weakly moved her arm to take out the needles. Slowly standing up and off the bed, her feet touch the cold tile floor. "Ugh," she groaned. Moving at a slow pace she walked out of the room.
Walking down the hall she goes toward the last voice she hears before passing out. Levi's office.
Turning corners and following her fuzzy memory she stops at a door, near the handle is small splintered, broken wood. He must have slammed the door closed too hard. She opens the door slowly, not causing a sound.
Entering the dust free room, there is the cold, dark hearted, and strong black haired man. Levi. He leans on his left hand with his eyes closed, his breathing slowed, loose hair in his face.
"L..Levi.." She mumbled.
The man stays in his slumber as she approaches him. She walks around his desk and looks at him half awake.
She reaches her hand over to him but is quickly pulled him to a head lock and she gasps in pain. Levi looks at his mystery visitor and recognized her soft skin, (h/c) hair, strong aura. "(Y-y/n)?" He lets her go and clicks his tong.
Rubbing her neck, "L-Levi, what happened? I thought we were on an expedition?... I.. What happened?" She looks into the corporals eyes for answers.
"What do you remember last?"
"I...we went out and we ran into a.. Female Titan and we failed to capture it...everyone attacked.. Eren tried in his Titan form but failed..it.. I can't remember, Levi please tell me what happened. How long was I out?"
Taking a deep breath, "You've been out for 5 days since we got back from the expedition, many have died and served with honor. Including my squad. You saved Eren from the female Titan when you transformed into a Titan yourself."

Outside the Wall -Levi X Reader
FanfictionLevi X Reader Outside the wall are man eating monsters that the Scouting Legion are suppose to kill for the sake of humanity. Many die and only some survive, but what els is there outside. Deep in the woods is a secret, yet to be discovered. (Y/n)...