~Early that next morning, (Y/n) POV~
"Get me down! Get me down!" I saw Daisy yell as she was lifted into the air, she was fine when it came to something Sam made but she was freaking out when she had to do her balance test, I've aced mine, along with everyone els, Daisy was keeping balanced even when panicked. Eren, Levi, and Hange were with us to make sure we got trained to perfection before the next expedition.
She was let down, unbuckled and she ran into my arms, Levi came to our group annoyed, "Well you all passed, even panicked... Now we'll show you the real mechanics," he says walking with Eren and Hange to the woods, there waiting for us are 6 sets of the same thing they had.
We were putting on weird belts around our bodies, I messed up and Levi had to help me, he was annoyed but made sure I learned, I got the gear on and joined my friends, Sam was asking question after question on how they made them and where the idea came from. "Ok my beauties of mystery! Now pay attention, your gas tanks are important, they help you soften your land and make you fast, you-" and she continues to explain on how to use the blades and how to hook the wires.
"Okey! Now your turn, there are Titan dummies in the forest, remember to cut the back of their necks! We'll be watching to evaluate on what squad you guys will be on," with that they fly off into the forest.
"Let's do this," I say to them, "Who ever gets the most kills gets to ask the loser a favor, how about that?" I wager to them. They nod and laugh as we take off at the speed of light. I spin and twirl in the air as I cut down dummies left and right. I feel their stare on me as I advance.
The numbers go on as I venture, I hear them ring a bell to come back and I make a sharp turn in the air as my body gets pulled. I land on the ground where we started to see Sam and Amber there waiting, after me comes Daisy, Alex and Travis.Amber,"10"
Me,"29""Wow! You guys did great for your first time with the 3DMG! I wonder if your minds click differently than ours," Hange says entranced.
"Heheh, now Daisy owes me, hmmm," I say evilly and jokingly. She smiles nervously, "Maybe later," I say as we continue to the next part of training.
"Now hand to hand combat," Eren says looking at a clipboard. We walk to a open area, "Please pair up."
It's me vs Alex
Daisy vs Amber
Travis vs Sam.We start off with small advances toward each other as me and Alex circle around. He throughs a punch to my chin which I avoid and kick his leg getting the first hit. We keep a closer distance as we dance around avoiding each others attacks, I land another on his shoulder and he lands one on my rib, I curse as my injuries haven't totally healed, I continue despite the pain. By the end I get Alex down on his chest breathing hard. He hit my head trying to get me off him but to no avail.
Our match was called off as I the winner. Sam and Travis ended a tie, and Daisy lost to Amber. They wrote down stuff as they watched us. "Now run till you drop," Levi says coldly.
"Your kidding.." I say in disbelief, we were worn out from all this new info about the gear and tired from beating each other up, now running?
"I said run cadets!" He yells, we all get up and start to run around the HQ. As time flys we continue running without complaining.
~Hange POV~
This was amazing! How could they keep going as they are? It's been 40 minutes on continuous running as fast as they can, Daisy was in the back and (Y/n) kept herself in the front like their eternal leader, she was still hurt but agreed to do the training. Their endurance was incredible and their strength was amazing, are they even human?! I'm so excited for my experiments!!
~Lunch Time, (Y/n) POV~
We panted on the table as we caught our breath, "Man, you guys look like crap," I hear Sasha say, "Did you guys die and come back or what?"

Outside the Wall -Levi X Reader
FanfictionLevi X Reader Outside the wall are man eating monsters that the Scouting Legion are suppose to kill for the sake of humanity. Many die and only some survive, but what els is there outside. Deep in the woods is a secret, yet to be discovered. (Y/n)...