Pastel Clothes, Dark Eyes

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To Phil, life is anything but dull. He has great friends, and better parties, everything a teenage boy could ask for. Except for one thing. A girlfriend. All his friends come into school with a girl on their shoulder, sneaking kisses and playing hooky just to be alone together. That's all he wants, someone to call his own. Then, and in his mind, only then will he be truly the luckiest boy on earth.

It was nearly the end of school when it happened, when the new boy came to school. Phil was sitting in geography class passing notes to Pj and Cat, and definitely not paying attention to what the boring old teacher had to say about the 7 damn seas. Suddenly, he stopped babbling about pH levels and cleared his throat.

"I would like to introduce a new student to you today, please give a warm welcome to Dan Howell." Mr . Simmons croaked, and on queue a boy walked into the room, looking down at his shoes. Despite the late spring heat, he was wearing a heavy pastel pink jumper with white skinny jeans hugging his legs. Looking at his outfit, he looked like someone to make fun of, but his face was another story. He looked frightened, but somehow still strong. Phil realized the only available seat was right next to him, and strangely, he felt excited. Dan shuffled over to the desk and sat down, immediately looking defeated. Phil couldn't stop looking at him, his eyes and the way the light filters through them, revealing a deep chocolate brown, or the way his hair framed his face like a magnificent painting. Phil felt confused, and quite honestly flustered. Why was this boy such a big deal to him?

Suddenly, his question was answered. Dan looked at him, and Phil could swear Dan blushed. They made eye contact, looking at eachother, one heart racing and one stopped in its tracks. Finally Dan breaks eye contact, looking back at the teacher, face still red. Phil smirked and looked down at his hands. He likes this new guy.

A/N Did you guys like that? Hopefully... Please please please comment some critism and such and I'll make some new chapters, because frankly I don't want to continue a story you don't want to see...

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