Don't Judge Me For Caring

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Dan😇: thanks for giving me ur number! hope you dont mind if i text u at 3 am
Phil: im usually up at about that time, so message away!
Dan😇: i wish you were in all my classes 😢 mrs gavin is so boring
Phil: lol ikr. im just back here in maths, while mrs parker talks about fractions or smthin
Dan😇: ooh i hate herrr
Phil: same, and shes wearing shorts today 💀😱😱
Dan😇: fuck, ttyl
Phil: why? did she catch u on ur phone?
Dan😇: gabriel just walked in

Phil nearly dropped his phone once he read that message, fumbling his phone in his hands. Pj looked at him and snickered.

"Dan send you a dick pic?" He asked, Chris sitting next to him, chortling.

Phil ignored him as his hand shot up, twitching anxiously as Mrs. Parker looked him over with her harsh grey eyes.

"Yes, Phil?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"May I go to the bathroom?" Phil nervously asked as his foot bounced restlessly. Suddenly, Pj and Chris burst into laughter, Pj falling off his chair.

"H-He definitely sent him a d-dick pic!" Pj wheezed out, holding his sides in a fit of giggling. The whole class roared out in laughter, Mrs. Parker was absolutely engulfed in rage. All while this was happening, Phil just sat there, biting his tongue.

"STOP. RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT! First of all, Philip, you may go to the bathroom, second, GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW PJ!" She snapped. All of the the students looked at Pj and stared. As for Phil, he was out the door the moment the opportunity arose. He ran through the halls, passing by the bathroom doors as headed for science class.

He burst through the door of the class, realizing he hadn't really thought out this plan to save Dan from danger that might not even exist. As he tumbled into the room head first, everyone stared, especially the teacher. He regained his composure and stood up straight, looking into the sea of students in front of him. They were all staring at him, which was probably the appropriate reaction to another student suddenly bursting into their classroom. One student caught Phil's eye, and of course it was Dan. He was sitting in the front row, looking like he was about to absolutely explode from holding in his laughter. Phil bit his lip as he turned to the teacher who was staring at him aswell, mouth wide open.

"Phil Lester, please go back to your class, and I expect to see you in detention tomorrow." She spoke up as she walked towards him and pointed to the door behind him, a stern look now on her face. Phil nodded and turned around to head out, but not before checking the crowd to look for Gabriel, and he saw him sat at his desk. Right. Behind. Dan. Goddamn it, Phil knows nothing good can come from this seating arrangement.

He shuffled out the door and started walking back to class when he felt his pocket vibrate.

Dan😇: what the hell was that?!!??! 😂😂😫
Phil: i panicked... oops

A/N: That was a lot of fun to write! It's obviously a more of a 'filler chapter' but if you look closely, you can tell I actually put effort into it. It's just a comedic, light-hearted chapter to get you ready for the next one. Just thinking of it is crushing my heart already 😢😈

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