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A/N: Get ready, my sons and daughters. There are the follower trigger warnings in this chapter: blood and minor character deaths. If I missed any, please tell me in the comments.

Cassie: oh god phil hes bleeding it wont stop im trying to block it
Phil: im running dont worry im running
Cassie: he stopped breathing phil hes not breathing anymore I dont know cpr phll
Phil: where are you cassie please
            Read by Cassie at 5:49 AM

                                                                                        *9 hours earlier*

"So, how many detentions have you gotten this year?" Dan asked, climbing into Phil's car as the sunset colored the clouds orange behind them.

"Just this year? About 23, not including this one." Phil chuckled back at him while turning the key in the ignition. Dan looked at him with a open mouth strewn into a smile.

"That many? God, I thought you'd be better at not getting caught by now." He said, turning the volume knob to the right, blasting the Fall Out Boy song on the radio out the speakers. Phil just shrugged as he looked out the back window and backed the car out of the parking spot, the car's metal rattling suspiciously. As they drove, occasionally he looked over to Dan, who was tapping his fingers with the drums and silently mouthing the words to the song, just if he needed a little pick-me-up from thinking about Gabriel's promise a bit too much.

Phil: cassie answer me
Cassie: iii think hhes deaad i ccannot type m,.y handds r shaakii ng
Phil: keep trying please where are you
Cassie: footbll fieeldd

Dan waved as he walked up the stairs, the purple pansy Phil had put behind his ear nearly blowing away in the breeze.

"I'll text you later, okay?" Phil called out to him cupping his hands around his grin. Dan put up a thumbs up behind him as he walked in the front door, warm light filling the space around him. Phil turned around to head back to his car, when he saw two people standing in the light of a street lamp, both with glistening blonde hair.


Phil: im in my car im coming is he breeathing?
Cassie: not yet but i i thiink hes allmost therre com,e quick
                  Read by Phil at 5:57 AM


"What are you doing here?" Gabriel's voice spoke from next to his sister, Cassandra. She was standing there, an uncomfortable look apparent in her eyes.

"I was ju-just dropping off Dan. Please d-don't do anything to him." Phil choked out, disgusted by close he is to breaking down already. He took a step back in sync with Gabriel as he stepped towards him. Cassie reached for her brothers shoulder, trying to stop him before he slapped her hand away, looking back at her and growling. As she stepped back and looked at the ground defeated, Gabriel took a couple more steps toward Phil, fists clenched and shaking by his sides. Phil's eyes darted towards the window to Dan's room as he saw a silhouette moving around in the room. Gabriel's gaze followed Phil's, and he grinned evilly as he saw what Phil was seeing.

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