Dried Blood and Wet Tears

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Phil woke up from a dreamless sleep on the familiar, cold bench of the nurses office. Earlier that day at lunch, his nightmares became reality when Gabriel hit Dan. Dan... Oh god, where is he? He looked around the room, and saw a sleeping figure lying on the bench opposite of his. He had tear streaks on his cheeks, and dried blood on his lips and hands, and he was shirtless, revealing a large bruise on his stomach. Phil looked at the depressing sight, biting his lip to stop it from quivering. He took a deep breath and decided to roll over and try to sleep some more, at least until Dan wakes up.

But, to his expectations, he laid there, awake, thinking of the events that took place that day and trying to ignore the burning pain on his cheeks and jaw. After almost an hour of laying there, Phil heard a slow rustling, and a moan coming from Dan's side of the room. Phil looked over, and saw Dan stirring, looking like he had just woken up. He clutched his torso in pain as he sat up and started to look around. He saw Phil, and gasped quietly, most likely remembering what he had done for him. Phil rolled fully onto his side facing Dan, looking at his own arm, covered in reddish-brown, dried up blood. When his gaze wandered back up at Dan, he caught him staring at him, lips pursed, ready to say something. Phil looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to speak.

When Dan didn't say anything, Phil closed his eyes, only slightly disappointed. Suddenly, he heard a small voice from Dan he had never really heard before.

"Thank you." He said. Phil's eyes blinked open, seeing Dan, now sitting on the edge of the bench, looking down at the linoleum floor. "For saving me." Dan peeped out, his voice cracking. Phil sat up as well, a sharp pain shooting up his back. Dan looked up at him, tears welling up in his eyes. Phil looked at him as tears rolled away from his chocolate brown orbs and down his cheeks. Phil got up slowly, taking painful steps towards him. He sat down next to Dan on the bench, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Dan exhaled deeply as he laid his head on Phil's shoulder. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed what they both felt might be the last moment of peace they had, and the first moment of silence they've enjoyed together.

Suddenly, Dan pulled away, wiping his eyes with the heel of his palm, sniffling quietly. Phil opened his eyes and scooched away from him, giving him space.

"My-my name's D-Dan... I... I'm sorry..." Dan said hesitantly. He looked at his hands, twiddling his thumbs.

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong!"

"I just... I feel bad for bringing someone I barely know to the nurses office just because some... Douche decided to punch me..."

Phil tilted his head at Dan, biting the inside of his cheek. "Well, I couldn't just, watch him do that to you. No one else was doing anything..." He replied, trailing off towards the end.

Dan hesitated for a moment.

"Would you do that for someone else?" He asked, nervously chewing on his tongue. Phil looked at him and shook his head silently, not breaking eye contact with him.

Phil once again shuffled closer to Dan, his arm right behind Dan. "I'm Phil, by the way."

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