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For as long as he knew him, Dan was pretty happy. But, Phil will admit, people that most likely knew him way longer than two days might think the same, and be very very wrong. But for what it's worth Phil liked to think that Dan was happy, inside and out. As they walked through the halls of the school, people looked. They looked at Phil's black eye, and they looked at Dan's limp, but did they care? Actually, yes. They kinda did. But the one good thing that came from their insecurities was that they know how to look like they don't have insecurities.

Soon, they came to a split in the halls, and they both started heading different ways. How it turns out, apparently their lockers are almost on the other side of school from eachother, so that's fun. Phil's first class of Fridays is art class, which he enjoys very much. He walked towards the door, when he heard the one voice that could ruin a whole day right behind him.

"So, Phil. You have a little fun with Dan? Go home after I beat your asses, and fuck eachother silly?" Gabriel's blunt voice blared towards Phil. He turned around and saw him, smiling like a mad man.

"No. Why would you say that?" Phil asked him, trying so goddamn hard not to either cry or deck him in the fucking face.

"I saw you two fags come here together. You know, ghost, I thought you were cool. My sister's got a fucking crush on you for god's sake!" He yelled, taking a step towards Phil. Phil looked back at him, confused. Suddenly, he saw it. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, even the nose is the same... Oh god... Cassandra... His sister has got to be Cassandra...

"C-Cassandra?" Phil stuttered, taking a step back, his back hitting a locker.

"Yes, Cassandra. You know how she's going to react when she finds out you're a fucking faggot? She can't take another heartbreak!" Gabriel snapped at him, fists clenched by his side. Phil's eyebrows furrowed when he realized the tears welling in his eyes.

"I-I'm not... Me and Dan... We-We're not..." Phil tried to squeak out more words, but the lump in his throat blocks the sentences.

"Save it ghost. Go to art class and cry about it. I just hope you'll be able to save Dan again today, if you can take it." He huffed, his nose an inch away from Phil's. Once he finished his sentence, he walked away, his heavy footsteps echoing down the hall.

Phil finally broke. As the tears rolled down his face, he inched down to the floor, his face in his hands. He sobbed quietly there for a while, hiccups escaping between breaths. He couldn't bear to think of what Gabriel could do to Dan if he wasn't there, and thinking of Dan having to go through that is enough to make a whimper escape from behind his hands. He took a deep breath and wiped his tears away, sniffling. He finally got up and closed his eyes, preparing himself to look stable. He nodded to himself and opened the door to the class that he was already missing, biting his tongue to make sure he keeps himself distanced from his thoughts.

A/N: It's a shorter one, but an emotional one. Hope you liked it! I procrastinated my work to the max to do this, start to finish in one sitting, just for you guys! 😊

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