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Phil walked away from the bathroom, after that strange experience with Chris, he definitely needed some lunch. He knew lunch was in about 5 minutes, so he waited by the door to the Social Studies class he was supposed to be in right now. When the bell rang and the kids started flooding out of the door, he slipped into the crowd casually, as if his class had just been dismissed. The multitude of teenagers started flowing towards the lunch hall.

He was sitting at the lunch table when it happened. He saw Dan with his demons following him around. Those childish harpies, screeching harsh words at him constantly, for what? His choice of clothing. His face? His weight? Phil couldn't stand seeing Dan suffering like this. Suddenly, as he was making the choice between good for his life or good for his heart, it happened. The leader of the band of delinquents, Gabriel, had enough of Dan trying to walk away from him and his friends bullying. The second Dan spoke to Gabriel in that tone that made Phil so proud, Gabriel did it.

He hit Dan.

The world seemed to stop the moment Dan was sent to his knees, already bleeding from the heavy blow to his delicate jaw. Phil froze. Everyone was staring at Dan and Gabriel. The way Gabriel looked ready to strike again. The way Dan's tears and his blood mingled as they started to pool under him. And then, they watched the way Gabriel's foot collided with Dan's stomach, and the way Dan recoiled, tossing himself to his side, his face scrunched up in pain.

Phil couldn't bear to watch this. The world seemed to finally gain back the natural speed time passed as Phil tackled Gabriel, with Chris, Cat and Louise following his actions with the other three abusers. Once Gabriel was on the ground, Phil rushed over to Dan's quivering form, fighting away tears as he saw him sobbing, blood dripping down his chin. He took him in his arms without thinking for a second, and cradled him, holding him close to his chest. Dan balled up Phil's shirt in his fists and cried forcefully into the nape of his neck. This moment of care and safety for Dan and closeness for Phil was cut short when Gabriel grabbed Phil by the back of his shirt and dragged both him and Dan to him.

Phil pushed Dan away from him so he won't get hurt when Gabriel inevitably pummeled Phil. He watched as Dan tumbled away from him, startled, and still reaching out to him. Phil wanted nothing more than to be holding Dan right now when he needed it most, yet, he felt that this is what he had to do for him. To keep him safe from Gabriel.

As to his expectations, when he had him close enough, Gabriel got on top of Phil and hit him in the face with great force. Blow after blow after blow, Phil took it. He took the pain, knowing Dan doesn't have to. Finally, the principal stepped in, tugging Gabriel off of Phil as Dan was taken away to the nurses office. As Phil was being helped up, he caught a glimpse of Dan. As he was being rushed away by the nurse, he saw him struggling against her, reaching out behind him to someone. He didn't seem to know what name to yell, so he just yelled out three words into Phil's direction.

Stay with me.

A/N: Ooh, I hoped you liked it! I actually almost cried while writing this, can you believe it? Anyway, hope you didn't get too sad! Remember to leave a comment! I really appreciate it and I will try to read and reply to every one!

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