Anxious For You

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Phil was usually is happiest when sitting in art, chatting with friends and enjoying having class with the laziest teacher in the school. Of course today was different though; he usually had no difficulty with separation, but when Gabriel threatened to attack Dan, it left Phil anxious to see Dan again, preferably unharmed. As he sat at his desk in the back of the class, he was tapping his foot, looking at the clock every 30 seconds and willing the bell to ring. As he sat there, staring at the wood grain on his desk, Louise was sat right in front of him, looking back at him, obviously worried about him.

"Phil, are you alright?" She finally spoke up, her kind voice barely brushing past his ears. He looked up at her, fighting with everything he had not to burst into tears again. She was looking at him, her eyes clearly showing concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Phil said, suprised at how much easier it is to act okay, even when you're definitely not okay. Louise nodded slowly, brushing her hair behind her ear and turning back around in her seat. Phil took a deep breath and put his head on his desk, closing his eyes, trying to hold onto the good memories he had with Dan. He realized, he didn't have many, almost none at all. He didn't have many memories with him to start with, and most of the ones he did were the result of them bonding over pain, or some other negative emotion. Is that good? Bad? He took one more breath and letting a single tear escape from his closed eyes.

"Phil? Wake up." Phil heard Louise's voice from above him. He blinked his eyes open and sat up, quickly wiping the wetness off his face. He looked up at the clock and was relieved to see he had only 2 more minutes until the bell rang, letting him go to Social Studies class on the other side of the school, probably right by Dan's locker.

"Phil! You're worrying me! Are you sure you're okay?" Louise snapped at Phil, grabbing his face and directing it towards hers. Phil was startled, but made no sound as he looked into Louise's eyes, trying to smile.

"Louise! I'm fine, god." Phil said, a fake laugh emitted from his lips, along with a phony smile. He really wished in that moment that he could just run out the door right now. Louise looked at him suspiciously, squinting her eyes before finally releasing her grip on his face. Phil rubbed his cheeks where she squeezed when, to Phil's amazement, the bell rang. The moment he heard that noise, he jumped up from his desk, almost forgetting to grab his backpack and scrambled his way through the halls, pushing past everyone in his way.

He skidded to a stop when he arrived at the door for social studies class, he looked around for either Gabriel or Da-

"Hey Phil! Looks like we have social studies together! Unless you're looking for another class?" Phil heard a voice so welcomed it was enough to almost have Phil in tears. He looked behind him to see Dan, happy and in one piece.

"Woah, Phil. Are you okay? You seem a bit shooken up..." Dan said, his voice changing from upbeat to a caring tone. Dan walked up to him, reaching up to touch Phil's face before stopping himself. Phil looked down at him, laughing a genuine laugh for once.

"I'm doing great, Dan."

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