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Now, the night is coming to an end,

Dan's glazed, half closed eyes leaked tears as sunlight started to peek over the horizon, tinting the sky a light blue. He looked out the window of the car as he felt himself drifting away, like a leaf on a calm breeze. He looked back up at Phil, smiling softly when he compared the color of his eyes to the sky. Just the same.

The sun will rise, and we will try again.

Phil looked down at Dan, to see him smiling up at him. He smiled weakly back, confused about the sudden serenity of their situation, but releived. The sun rose higher, causing yellow streams of light to filter through the branches of trees and into the backseat of the car, and as Dan felt the warmth of the sunbeams on his chest, and the coldness of his limbs, he felt peaceful again, almost forgetting the stress of his injuries and the deepness of his cuts.

Stay alive, stay alive, for me.

  As Dan closed his eyes once more, he willed it to be the last time he closed his eyes. He wasn't done with this world, he was just done being prepared to live in it. He would flow over the world endlessly,  he thought, watching the birds fly and the snow fall on small towns like his own. Phil noticed his breathing slowing from his previous hitched gasps of air, and shook Dan gently, leaning down and whispering various 'wake up's and 'don't go just yet's.

You will die, but now your life is free,

Phil was looking down at him, hoping that his blood would magically go back into his body, making Dan realize it's not time yet. It can't be his time. The car stopped, the chatter of a busy hospital emitted from the building in front of them. He knew Dan didn't want to go in there, he could just feel it as he held him. He was at peace, here in the back of his car, bleeding.

Take pride in what is sure to die

Phil looked up at Cassie, and shook his head, wiping the tears away from his eyes. She sighed and nodded, getting out of the car. Dan took a deep breath, fading away into his mind, away from the car, from Phil, from the stinging, biting, growling pain in his side. He drifted on the clouds above him, tasting the raindrops before they fell and catching angel's feathers between his fingers. His breath was steady and his heartbeat was slowing. He was ready.

I will fear the night again

Phil ran his fingers through Dan's curls, swallowing the lump in his throat. He was scared. He was scared to watch Dan die, and he was scared to be the one that let him die. But he had made up his mind. He whispered in Dan's ear, a small breath barely enough to rustle the hairs on his head, asking him if this is really what he wanted. Dan heard him, and almost fell through a crack in the clouds, his head bobbing up and down in the the car.

I hope I'm not my only friend

Phil sighed, stroking Dan's cheek with the back of his hand, hoping he just knew his feelings for him. Jusg hoping. He put a hand on Dan's chest, and felt his heart slow, slow and


Phil was left there, Dan's thoughtless head on his lap. His lifeless body finally stopped bleeding and Dan's tearless eyes were closed for good. He took a breath, tears rolling down his chin and on Dan's chest, leaving wet spots he felt would never dry. He opened his eyes to see Dan's face, smile gone slack and curls sticking to his forehead, and he couldn't help but feel... Tired.

A/N: Well, that's the end. Oh my god, I can't believe I chose to end this story! I'm sorry if you wanted it to go farther, and if the ending didn't live up to what you wanted. I just didn't want Dan to die struggling. I wanted him peaceful. Thank you all for reading this! I hope you enjoyed the story, and I hope to see you on my next book. Bye-Bye.

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